The Dance Tryouts | Teen Ink

The Dance Tryouts

October 16, 2019
By toothless101 BRONZE, Herriman, Utah
toothless101 BRONZE, Herriman, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I was going to my dance tryouts. I had been practicing for three weeks, getting it perfect. When I got there and got my number, we went into a room and got warmed up. I looked around and saw new girls, I didn’t know how good they were. I also saw girls from last year who were really good. This made it worse, because last year I was placed on the wrong team, because I got so nervous. I didn’t think I could do it. 

 Then were all led into the same room. I asked my friends,”why are all in the same room? We didn’t do this last year.”  We were all looking at each other confusingly. At the back of the room, the teachers that were judging us, were sitting at different tables with snacks covering it all. They all had a folder with paper and a pen to write what they thought.

“Can we have three lines with number one to three at the front, then four to six behind them, and so on?” One of the teachers said. We all lined up and they taught us our combo. We went across the floor a few times before we had to sit in the small open place where we put our bags. They started calling out numbers to do the routine. When they got to my friend, Cambree’s number, she went up with two other girls. She did the dance and went into improv like we were told.  I then remembered something that happened a couple of days ago.

I was practicing the dance with Cambree. “I haven’t decided what I want to do for improv yet,” I said, “but I want to do something like this.” I did a cool turn combo, moved around, then did my firebird. After the firebird, I went to the floor and lifted my leg into a split, milking the movement. 

“That’s really good,” Cambree told me. Then showed me hers.

Cambree copied me! She did what I planned out for improv, not what she planned out. My palms started sweating. I know that she just panicked, so she did what I planned, but this is going to make me freak! I’ll have to make up all new moves for when I’m stuck! I thought, they will think I copied her! But I didn’t have enough time, I was next. I nervously went up and got in my place. I made sure I remembered all the moves, having facial expressions, and doing it with the right feeling for every genre that we did. It ended way too early, I had to do improv without getting stuck. I danced to the music making sure I showed my talent and technique. When I was done, I sat back down. The other groups did the dance, then it got quiet.  

Everyone knew the teachers were getting ready for callbacks and were whispering what they thought would happen to each other They called up a group of girls who on a team together last year and two other girls. “I think that's going to be the new Spark,” I said. Everyone nodded their agreement. My friend Harper curled into a ball and her face changed expressions. She really wanted to be on that team, but she wasn’t up there dancing with them. I hugged her knowing she was really sad. They called a few more groups, I was in a couple, Harper was in some too. 

Cambree went up next with some girls new to the studio, a girl from Bloom, and a girl named Rylie, from Heart. They looked like they were all on the same level of dance. After they did improv, they stood up there like told. “Okay, thank you girls,” said another teacher, “You can go. Everyone watched them leave.

Harper and I exchanged looks, then she asked, “Why did Cambree leave?”  I could understand why she left, she wasn’t as good as me or Harper but I felt so bad for her. I knew he was going to be star struck and maybe even end up crying. Everyone knew that hasn’t happened many times, but we knew it wasn’t going to end up great. 

A teacher went out and came back with the group three girls. They were the ones on the top teams. They had them do the dance,  then discussed about callbacks. Again, we all started to whisper, they weren’t supposed to be here with group two. This day was get even more confusing be the minute. 

“Can these girls come up here please?” The studio owner  asked, “ Izzy,” she called my name, so I walked up. She called up three other girls I danced with last year, and all of the girls on Truth, who were from group three. I tried my absolute best, while  dancing with the top team. When we were done, they asked our ages. All the ages ranged from twelve to fifteen. “Their ages fit together nicely,” one teacher exclaimed. We sat down and they called some more people up. Finally, everyone but group three was excuesed, so they could do across the floor. 

My mom was waiting for me with some other moms. Right away I said, “I danced with Truth!”

“Izzy, that's great,” my mom replied.

“But Cambree already left.” 

“Yeah I know,” my mom answered, “she came out really confused, and said that everyone else is still in there.”

“I feel so bad, that can’t be good.”

A few weeks later. I was sitting in my moms room. Constantly checking the website. When I checked it for what had to be the millionth time, the website said that modifications were being made. My brain was moving at lightning speed, because I was so excited. “Mom! They are putting the results in now!” I said, showing her the screen.

After 5 more minutes of torturous waiting, my mom said, “Izzy, do you want to know what team you made?” I was practically jumping.

“YES!!!!” I said

“You made Truth!”

The author's comments:

Dancing is my life, I dance 24/7. If I am not dancing, I am reading Keeper of the Lost Cities or other books, practicing violin, or watching Netfilx.


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