Two Loving Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Loving Hearts

January 14, 2020
By 1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who complete me. I am the only one who completes them. Two loving hearts with loving eyes and strong perseverance like mine. Two who act like they don’t love me but love me. Two infuriating souls planted to be here with me. From a glance, I can see them, but with time I don’t appreciate them. 

Their emotions are unspoken. They send scoldings when conflicts arise. They grow old and never grow young and swell their veins between their beating ventricle and beat with each footstep and never quit their care. This is how they love. 

If one stopped beating, there would be nothing filled like an empty glass, each separated not touching one another. Beat, beat, beat the two loving hearts say as they fill with happiness and laughter. They give warmth. 

When I am too alone and too cold to keep beating, when I am a delicate thing against a world filled with harm, then it is when I look at the hearts. When there is nothing left to do I look at the souls. Two who grew despite ache. Two who love and do not forget to love. Two whose only reason is share and share. 

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