Elevator | Teen Ink


January 11, 2021
By Anonymous

(the scene is set up with open elevator doors. The lights are on and the elevator has a low rumble.)

Dom: (Stands in the front corner of the elevator, hidden from sight until you step on the elevator.)

Arson: (walks onto the elevator and notices Dom. She momentarily loses her breath, but then rolls her eyes) Ugh! It’s you. What are you, stalking me now? Whatever, don’t answer that, I’m taking the stairs. (she turns to leave the elevator but the doors shut in her face.) No, no, no. NO! (she frantically pushes the open door button but it’s to late)

Dom: You know you don’t have to act so hostile. 

Arson: Me? Hostile? Please. I have every right to be and you know it. You just think you did nothing wrong. You’re not better than him. He would never stoop so low and he’s a horrible person so that’s saying something. 

Dom: I really am sorry I never meant to-

Arson: Just stop because that’s not what I’ve heard.

Dom: Please just listen to me. I was upset and my emotions clouded my judgement. I never meant to hurt you and I truly am sorry. Please, I will do anything. Tell me how I can make it up to you. 

Arson: You can’t. You took it way too far. You know how I felt about anything relating to him and his girls. I also explicitly told you not to do it. And what did you do, exactly that and more. You are unbelievable, untrustworthy, completely idiodic. You have messed up. You have no right to come here and act sad and apologetic when I know the truth. Your apology means nothing to me at all. You mean nothing to me. You’re dead to me. I would’ve never seen you again if you hadn’t stalked me onto this elevator. 

Dom: I did not stalk you. You got on after me. 

(Suddenly there’s a loud boom and the elevator comes to a halt. A quieting buzzing noise starts and the lights flicker. They turn off. A dim emergency light comes on so that you can see their faces.)

Arson: What did you do now!

Dom: How is this my fault? 

Arson: Everything is your fault. Call someone. (she rolls her eyes and slams her back against the wall, sliding down to hit the floor.)

Dom: (Dials number. Ringing is heard. Someone answers.)

Arson: Who did you call anyways?

Dom: (Covers the bottom of the phone with his hand.) Shhhhh! (Relaxes hand and sits down across from Arson. Talking to phone.) Hi, yes. I am currently in the elevator and it has seemed to have shut down. (Pause.) Yes that’s right. (Pause.) You already got notified? (Pause.) Alright. (Pause.) 10 minutes? (Pause.) Okay. (Pause.) Alright. (Pause.) Thank you so much! (Pause.) See you soon. (Pause.) Bye.

Arson: (Sarcastically and Comedically.) That was hard to listen to.

Dom: (Lets out a small chuckle.) Oh, I bet it was for you. 

Arson: For everyone.

(There’s a brief long pause between the two but not the uncomfortable type.)

Dom: So…

Arson: Don’t. Just don’t do this now. Things are fine. We were just laughing. 

Dom: We need to talk. In a productive way this time.

Arson: I’ve said everything I need to say. What more do you want. What you’ve done is unforgivable. We will never be the same after this. Just leave me alone. Go live your life. I don’t want to hear about it and I don’t want to be a part of it. You had absolutely everything and you somehow managed to lose all of it. You have more than you know left to learn. You need to experience things for yourself and I do too. So don’t try to contact me, don’t try to make up with me, don’t try to talk to my friends. I know when it’s time for me to walk away even if nothing has begun. All I see are redflags. So respond to this, but once we leave this elevator it is goodbye forever. 

Dom: I’ll respect your wishes. I’m sorry. That’s all I can truly say. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I wasn't enough to handle you. I’m sorry I thought I could do you wrong and stay. I’m sorry I ignored your explicit directions. I’m sorry I gave her your phone number. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry. 

(The elevator lights come back on and they both jump up quickly)

Arson: Walk away Dom. Forget me. 

(The elevator doors open)

Arson: (Looks over her shoulder and takes a last glimpse of Dom. turns back around to adjust herself.) Goodbye. (She walks out with no hesiatnce, leaving the past behind)

(Dom is frozen. The elevator doors close again. He is left there with nothing but his thoughts, and the memory of Arson.)

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