The fortune cookie | Teen Ink

The fortune cookie

January 15, 2021
By TerminalDan BRONZE, Menifee, California
TerminalDan BRONZE, Menifee, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her laughter stopped abruptly as she read her fortune cookie message. It read “behind you” the room went cold. Her mind raced as she read that “what does it mean by behind you, is there someone, something” Her body shaking sweat drops down from her face. The room quiet as an empty bare room seemed small and terrifying she didn’t want to be in the room the tv still on with a comedy show playing. Her body didn’t want to move it was too scared she couldn’t even move a finger. She tries to look into the mirror that will show what is behind her but can’t she tries really hard but her head is stuck facing forward. It just can’t move she struggles hard trying to move something. “She thinks is this the end or is there not something behind me. She finally stands up from her couch and slowly turns behind her there was nothing but then there was nothing she blacked out. She woke up in her bed covered with sweat sweating she gave a sigh and thought “It was just a bad dream” she put her hand behind her head and it hurt. It hurt really bad like she was hit. “When did I get this did I bump my head while I was in my dream.” It was big and swollen and didn’t want to touch it anymore and was very confused.  She got up from her bed and brushed her teeth then took a warm shower trying to avoiding the bump on her head but failed. When she got out she went down and grabbed some food and went back onto the couch. She then found the cookie that was in her dream. Confused as she should be the “Thought what how did this get here and why is it here.” She looked back behind her thinking nothing will be there to confirm that there is nothing then a sharp pain came from her chest turning back forward to see what it is she finds a knife and a figure that she couldn’t see. Her eyesight was very blurry and was getting increasingly more. She tried to take deep breaths but couldn’t her breath was escaping her she fell to the ground with a loud thud and there her body was in the living with a puddle of blood peaceful and gone from this world very much gone.

The author's comments:

This is a horror story that I wrote using one line given to me.

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