LifeCycle | Teen Ink


January 15, 2021
By vaylan07 BRONZE, Winchester, California
vaylan07 BRONZE, Winchester, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Three times , now she’d almost died and no one had noticed.As she walked around she felt like she was forced to put on a smile.Almost as though someone was pulling her face to form a smile.As she approached the bridge she was replaying all the moments that caused her pain and sorrow.As a tear ran down her face staring at the dark and still water below her she knew that this was the only way to end her sorrow.As she removes her hoodie it reveals the bruises and scabs on her wrist and legs.There she goes, letsign on leg of the ledge of the bridge and when she thought she could finally end it she feels a hand on her shoulder and as she turns around its her pastor , and she feels relieved , and finally knows that she would have made the worst mistake that she could've ever made.The pastor opens his mouth saying “Well hello there deena , funny seeing you here”. As they walk away and she opens up to him about everything.He says that he suspected it and that everything gets better as he pulls out a letter from his coat which states that deena made it into the Harvard University and she is finally able to live her dream of study systematic therapy.Always remember that sucide is never the answer and that it will get better and will that nothing is forever.Like deena at almost the end of her life she was saved and revealed that there is ALWAYS someone thinking about you and a shoulder to lean on during tough and sometimes painful times.Everyone goes through tough times but never give up the fight and remeber that there is someone out there to help.If you have feeling sucidal call the suicide hotline or reach out to an atority that you can trust with this information.

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