The In Between | Teen Ink

The In Between

January 19, 2021
By cknepper03 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
cknepper03 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up, I am greeted with bright lights in a room that reeks of chemicals. I look around me and realize that I am in a waiting room. Next to me, sits a man, covered head to toe in black tattoos. Each one representing a part of his life. I sit there quietly and take in the rest of my surroundings. All around me, people of all ages, genders, and races sit quietly, staring straight ahead at whatever lies in front of them. No one speaks in this room, which I have come to now notice resembles a waiting room. Except in this waiting room, I realize that none of us are waiting to go see a doctor. We are all waiting for our decision day. The day that we find out if we go to heaven or hell. But for now, we are all stuck in purgatory.

            I feel like I’m dying all over again once I understand where I am. I had always heard stories about purgatory. Every time I heard them; I felt my heart rate skyrocket. But I guess now it does not even matter since I am already here.

            Looking over at the man next to me, I gently tap his shoulder; setting him free of whatever daze he was in. He turns his head slowly, almost as if he’s not used to turning his head. I see a sadness take over his face once he looks at me. “You’re so young,” he says quietly, as if he does not want to disturb the others. I nod my head and feel my throat burning, trying to hold back my tears. “What did you do to find yourself here?”

            I swallow the ache in my throat and feel myself smirk. I grab hold of his hand. “I didn’t do anything. It’s your judgement day, Jason.”


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