Horizon of Hope | Teen Ink

Horizon of Hope

June 22, 2021
By Lakshmi_K BRONZE, Ernakulam, Other
Lakshmi_K BRONZE, Ernakulam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Touched by the warmth of the rays of the Sun, given way by the drapes. I walked upto the window, drew them aside and threw open the windows. Welcomed by the sweet fragrance of lemons that lingered in the air of spring, I breathed with relief, relishing nature. I turned the knob, filling my hands with water clear as crystal and splashed it on my face to wash away the drowsiness. I quickly changed and took my books from the shelf. I carefully laid it in, grabbed my backpack and hurried through the flight of steps to the dining table. Being less lethargic than me, I found my little brother already up as usual and landed a kiss on his forehead and my mother’s. I decided to take a walk to school. On the way, I grabbed the newspaper and skimmed through the pages. Gender inequality, racism, climate issues were all topics that were far behind our times. To be honest, the word ‘war’ was something that we only heard in our history textbooks, from our elders and in stories. The world today is not what it was before. People live in harmony with one another now. The Earth has been restored, wildlife flourishes and so does mankind. Science and technology has developed so extensively, and sustainability is now an integral part of our life. One might say that, what our ancestors thought would have been an impossible feat, was made possible due to the sheer determination and discovery of the true meaning of humanity. Seeing my friends from afar, I waved, returning my excitement. 

Suddenly, an ear deafening sound pierced me. I woke up gasping and panting heavily. Realising that my family was safe and sound, I let out a sigh of relief and folded my hands to render a short prayer to God for taking care of my family. I walked upto the half broken window and peered outside. Instead of the citrusy fragrance I dreamt of, I was welcomed with a hazed summer air filled with the dust from the blast that had just taken place. I cupped in a handful of water from the hold and washed away the dust. Taking my books into my hand, I left home for school. Walking by, it seemed as if the dream I saw would never happen and I lost the very fire I had in me after seeing the war torn landscape surrounding us. But amidst all of this, I noticed the kindness we showed for one another despite the hardships and circumstances we had and faced. The sights of the needy being helped, the near and dears, and strangers consoled, rekindled the fire I lost just moments before. I sat down between my classmates saying to myself , 

                                                Once upon a time, 

                                                 (in my future) -

                                                The heart would find a sunnier clime,

                                                For the fire has been set ablaze 

                                                For, the horizon of hope was at gaze.

The author's comments:

Lakshmi K is a highschool student from India who takes passion in writing stories, articles, poems, essays and plays.


This story of hers, narrates the dream of a young girl and the contadicting reality she and her family lives. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Jul. 9 2021 at 8:16 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

You wrote a Gr8 story!