High Tide | Teen Ink

High Tide

October 15, 2021
By HomeroCarrasco BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
HomeroCarrasco BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Earth’s climate started rising at an alarming rate, and most of the ice in the polar regions has melted. As most of the ice in the world melted, the sea levels then began to rise. This led to huge waves as big as tsunamis hitting many coastal areas around the world, permanently putting them underwater. Many coastal cities were now being hit by these waves, and many others were in danger of being hit by them in the near future. In Miami, Florida, the people received an evacuation alert telling them to immediately leave the city. Huge waves could hit the city in any second now. Pacifica, who lived in Miami, was with her friend Aqua when she received the alert. Together they had to find Pacifica’s siblings and evacuate the city before it flooded and chaos ensued. 

On their way to Pacifica’s home, Pacifica and Aqua saw the highways packed with cars as the people tried to evacuate their city, and the two girls realized that they had to use another route to leave Miami. When they arrived at Pacifica’s house, Pacifica was reunited with her little brothers Ray and Sharky, but her baby sister Wavy was missing. Sharky and Ray had already been looking for her for some time. Together, they all started calling out Wavy’s name and finally found her crying in the restroom. Wavy told the group that she was scared of the alarm and said that she didn’t want to die. Pacifica assured her that they were all going to be safe as long as they all stuck with her.

The group was now headed out of Miami, but it was too late. As the group reached a higher point in the city, huge waves could be seen crashing into the city and hitting buildings hard. The group saw this terrifying scene along with many other people walking in the streets. Everybody started to panic, and many people started to run from the wave. Because the group was inside Aqua’s car, Aqua tried to drive away, but too many people were running in the street. 

The waves were rapidly rushing towards the people, and the group decided to get out and run to safety. Wavy started to cry again, so Pacifica picked her up and they all started to run. The group then went inside a building and into its stairwell. Pacifica’s heart was pounding like a drum, as she was scared of being swept away by the water. Some people also went inside the building and up the stairs, while the other people outside the building were swept away by the waves. The stampede of people then went up the stairs to the top of the building. When Pacifica and the group finally reached the top of the building, they could see almost everything in the city. The people were horrified at all the destruction they saw. The whole city of Miami was flooded, and many bodies were seen floating along with cars, trees, and even some parts of buildings. It was like a scene in an apocalyptic movie.

 A rescue helicopter then passed overhead, and the people desperately called for help. The helicopter saw them, and it started to lift people up one by one. Everyone was finally rescued, and Pacifica was glad everybody was safe. 

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