The True Atrocities of Water | Teen Ink

The True Atrocities of Water

December 8, 2021
By Anonymous

Have you ever heard people say it’s raining cats and dogs? Well I always thought that the expression was nonsensical and completely pointless. But anyway that has nothing to do with this story and I will now perfectly segue into the actual story.

It was one cool October evening when I decided that I was thirsty. But at the time I didn’t really want to get up and get some water in a glass so I decided to take a sip from my water bottle. The water bottle was a big plastic bottle, you know one of the ones that are so big that the manufacturers have to add a handle onto the side or else the only way to carry it would be to cradle it in your arms like a newborn baby, well I had one of those. It was large enough to hold at least a half gallon of water and I really liked having it. Anyway after my long, refreshing, sip of water I got called to the kitchen by my mom.

“I have something to talk to you about,” She said, “I need you to come out of school quickly tomorrow because I have something that I have to do at 3:30.”

“Okay,” I said, not thinking much of it. “I will make sure to get out quickly.” So I went to bed without giving it a second thought. 

The next morning I got up ready for a new day. My alarm went off at the perfect time where I was already half awake anyway and it was easy for me to get out of bed. I picked out my favorite shirt and said to myself, “yea, todays gonna be a good day.”

After eating breakfast I filled up my water bottle, which takes quite a while as it is half a gallon of water. Then I got my backpack on and went to school with the sun smiling upon my back.

When I got to school I saw my friend, Larry, waiting for me just ahead and decided to run up and meet him, however while I was running I stumbled. Luckily I didn’t fall over but I nearly dropped my water bottle. “That wouldn’t have been good,” I said to myself, worried. After that I just decided to walk the rest of the way.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hi,” Said Larry, “How’s it hangin.”

“Pretty good,” I said, “Although I do have to get out of school quick today because my mom said she has something important to do.”

“How important is it?” Asked Larry.

“Well technically she didn’t specify that it was important per say but I have a feeling it was important,” I replied.

“Just watch out because I know you have English 6th period and sometimes he lets out a little late,” He said.

“He doesn’t usually let us out any later than a minute after the bell,” I said, “Besides the reason I’m late getting out is usually because we’re talking in the hallway.”

“Perks of having a friendly locker buddy,” He responded.

“Yea, I guess so,” I said as the bell rang. “Well see you later.”

“Bye,” said Larry.

Then we both said goodbye and parted ways because unfortunately we don’t have many classes together, just second period and fifth period. Most of the school day drifted by in a haze, there was one part I thought was interesting…  but I was wrong and it ended up being super boring. By the end of the day I was antsy because the day had been such a drag and even more so because of what my mom had told me. Plus during all of sixth period we had been writing an essay, and writing an essay for a full fifty minutes can be quite draining.

By the time the bell rang I was already ready to bolt out the door. I collected all my books and started beelining it towards my locker but… Oh No! CRASH!!! Just like that all 2273.5 milliliters of water splashed out of my now broken water bottle and all over the hallway floor. In my rush to get back home I had made a clumsy mistake and dropped my water bottle. But that wasn’t the worst of it, down the hall there was a student packing up their bag and the water from my bottle was quickly streaming towards it. I tried my best to keep the water from her bag with my shoe but it was to no avail.

Luckily this student had some kind of hyper-intelligence, and was smart enough to move their bag out of the way. After they did I sprinted back into the classroom and grabbed some paper towels so I could start to clean the floor. When I got out I apologized to all of the two students that had to be held from their lockers because of the water. However I was lucky because there are three lockers right next to mine that are unused. Luckily those three lockers are where most of the water ended up, so there weren’t many people to apologize to.

While I was mopping up the floor with the paper towels my friend Larry got back to his locker, which is right next to mine. He saw the water on the floor, the shards of plastic that were once my water bottle, and me on my hands and knees with a half roll of paper towels in my hand mopping up the puddle of water and instantly started to help out. He took the towels and helped me get the water off the floor.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Don’t mention it,” He replied.

While we were working a teacher came out with a garbage pail. They told us that the janitor had been called and that there was not much more we could do, so I made sure to pick up the shards of plastic that were no longer my water bottle and put them in the trash. Then I Grabbed my backpack, filled it with all the books that I needed for my homework that day, apologized to the teacher, and left the school with a weight on my shoulders.

It was only then that I realized what time it was. I took out my phone and checked the time. “THREE THIRTY!” I shouted. I started sprinting back to my mom's car hoping she wouldn’t be too angry at me for this. When I got to the car, panting I said “sorry I’m late.”

“It’s alright,” She replied.

“I’m still sorry,” I said in a feeble voice, “And now you’re late to whatever it was that you had to do.”

“Don’t worry it was just a hair appointment,” she said, “no need to be so torn up about it.”

“Oh,” I said, feeling a little dumb. I had sprinted all the way back to the car and it was all for a stupid hair appointment.

But in the end my mother did make the hair appointment (She had actually read the wrong time and it was really scheduled for 4:30.) And I never got another giant half gallon water bottle. Yet.

The author's comments:

I made this for school.

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