The | Teen Ink


December 26, 2021
By ur_local_writer BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
ur_local_writer BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue eyes, the perfect ones that sparkle. The fluffy blonde hair, the type that all girls want. Clear skin is like the touch of a newborn baby. He is the boy that everyone wants. Tall and strong and is the most athletic in the school and one of the smartest kids too. He is friends with all of the boys and doesn’t start fights. He comes to school and the ¨boys¨ give each other their handshakes. Everything for him seems perfect. He is scared to go home. Scared to go to a place where it is supposed to be safe and loving. He rather be at school where everyone thinks he is perfect. As he comes up in the driveway. He hears yelling and screaming. It's killing his eardrums. It's all happening so fast. He has to act fast. It is life or death now. Heart races and the sweat dripping. Everything changes in these last seconds. He hears the glass shattering. His precious, innocent ears are pierced by the sounds. Everything is blurry and dizzy. He drops his bike and is running, sprinting for his life. It's not his life he is running for, his mom, the one that hasn’t been the best but is still there for him. He is in the house. Oh, the scene is so bad for his poor blue eyes, the sparkle fades away. Beer bottles smashed, glass everywhere, tables flipped and his worst enemy, the one I am sad to call my dad. His red, tired, crazy, insane face looking at her. His eyes are drilled open with a gun in his hand pointed straight at her. Her face was pale red, tired, and exhausted from all the crying and yelling. She is hiding in the corner of the room. Like that's going to do anything? But the boy must act fast. Time is running out. The clocks are ticking and running on nothing at this point. For the perfect boy has to see his mother this way.  She knows that the corner, that poor corner isn’t going to save her. She tries to hide her face with her bruised and cut-up arms from the monster. She cries for her life and screams. You can hear it in her voice. She is fighting for her life. The monster turns its head and stares with its evil eyes. He doesn’t move the gun. The weapon is with the monster and it's loaded. No one was ready for what was going to happen next. He yells with his angry scratchy voice, ¨ If you move any closer I´ll kill your ass!¨ He cocks the gun. It's ready nothing is stopping him from killing her. I don’t want that to happen. Everything is happening so fast. Everything is so blurry and fast. The boy's breathing gets heavier.  The boy has seconds to decide what to do with the rest of his life. Before he even has time to think the monster moves his hand on the trigger,  moving to push it. As the boy moves to where the bullet would have hit his dear mom. He didn’t have enough time to grab the gun. The bullet moves straight into the boy's perfect little golden heart. Was it a mistake? What he did… He wouldn’t know. He did what he thought was best at the moment. Nothing is dizzy or blurry anymore as he is now dead. He can now be the perfect dead boy. In his last moments his mom screams for him so,  ¨God¨ or whatever reason we are on this planet, just another verse of hell. Why would the creator of this place let someone kill her baby boy? Someone that means so much to her and lets her live in pain. She grips onto his dying body. She doesn’t care anymore. Her only reason was that she was still fighting, was now dead. The monster realized what it had done and stares with its evil killer eyes. He has no sympathy for what he had just done.  The evil being has left the house for now. We will never know what happens next but we know that house will never be the same again. As the cops pull in the driveway too late.

The author's comments:

Visit if you or a loved one is facing abuse or need someone to talk to. 

This is a very strong piece to me. You really don't know what someone is going through so my advice is always to be kind to everyone. It's hard and nobody talks about that part but you have to remember we all have our own struggles and we shouldn't make it worse on another person no matter what. Never just judge what's on the inside only. Sometimes take a look at what is inside too.

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