The Virus | Teen Ink

The Virus

January 26, 2022
By Anonymous

“On March 17th, 2020, EVERYTHING will be shutting down due to COVID-19. Restaurants and all other NON-VITAL places/locations will be closed until further notice.” That’s what I heard as I listened to the news on March 12th, 2020. I thought it would be great. A 2-week break to clean the school and sit around without any homework? Yes, please! The next morning, The bright yellow sun glared into my eyes as I finally decided to get out of bed. I got ready to go to school and I hopped on the bus. We arrived at school and I was redirected to a different room than my first-period classroom. I was in my social studies class. It turned into a gloomy day fast with rain pouring down from the dark blue clouds. Everyone in my class was tired as ever. My teachers started to talk to us. They said, “School will be let out for a 2 week cleaning period to ensure that this virus does not infect anyone in our schools and the district as a whole.” I already knew what they were talking about so I just zoned out for a while. After a couple of minutes, I wondered what they were talking about so I rejoined the conversation. I heard, “If this virus comes around to our state and our 3 townships, we will have a section of the year dedicated to online schooling.” I thought to myself, “Online school? How?” We were dismissed early that day and from then on everyone and everything would change from then on. The next day we don’t have school. I think, “This is amazing! We don’t have to go to school for 2 weeks! No bedtimes, no problems, for 2 whole weeks!” 3 days pass by, and It’s March 16th, 2020. Everything would close tomorrow so we had to make it great. My mom suggested we go eat out at our favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse since we don’t know how long it will be until we get to go back there. It was a very sunny day but it was still pretty cold, the wind was whipping through the trees around my house and moving the trees with it. We go out today and enjoy the last day we have before the complete lockdown. A couple of days pass by and this Virus is really getting bad, thousands of people are catching it already! My grandma is deathly scared of it so she won't come out for anything. She did bring a food supply of Ramen and Granola Bars though. More days pass and people are starting to die due to this Virus, and the news is expecting schools to close down for good. I start to think about this. If school shuts down, we won't be able to learn right and online school would be implemented. After 2 weeks, the online schooling was placed and I didn’t get to see any of my friends for 6 months. We finally got back to school in 7th grade, and I was so happy to see my friends. Online was still around, but not as much. Now it's 2022, and we are all together. No online schooling, but Covid-19 is surging again. Everything is reopened and everyone gets to see their families whenever they want. Everything has changed once again, and it's a lot better now. I’ve taken away from this disease, that we have to cherish and enjoy our moments with friends and family because we won't be able to see them one day. We can’t take the little things in life for granted. I and my family became PATRONS for the local businesses and restaurants that took a hard toll from this virus. The good or bad in many came out with this event that will go down in history forever.

The author's comments:

This is about the struggles and hardships of Covid-19.

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on Feb. 9 2022 at 2:12 pm
ColinMcdonough, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Hey guys! If you are reading this, I made it! So thank you!