Ollie | Teen Ink


January 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Woof! Suddenly my attention snapped back to reality, the sound came from the shower is this what I’ve always wanted? Could it be true? A dog is a man's best friend. For centuries dogs have been known as a man's best friend dating back to B.C. Ever since I was little I have been obsessed with the idea of having a dog. I started to save my money for a dog, doing whatever I could to get me one step closer to my furry best friend. Whether it be making lemonade and selling it on the corner or doing extra chores around the house. My mind was set on a goal. Hoping someday I would get a furry friend. 

  I had always begged my mom for a dog. Every birthday and every Holiday the gift was on every list was you guessed it a dog. My mom always told me“one day I will get a dog just be patient “. Being patient was quite hard for me as you can imagine. I wished upon many stars that I would get a dog.

 It was a muggy hot day, the sun brighter than ever, the insects buzzing with life, summertime had just started and my tenth birthday had passed. It was a good birthday spent playing with friends and family in the fresh summer air, but I hadn't gotten the present I really wanted, a dog. It was early in the morning and the smell of the fresh dew was still in the air. When my mom said “ I have a meeting to go to today so you have to go to your neighbor's house” “Ok” I replied thinking to myself it was strange since it was a random Tuesday but I didn't think much of it. I walked over to my neighbor's house. I saw someone walking a dog as I crossed the street, thought of having my own dog flashed in my mind followed by my mom saying “just be patient Avery “ when I got to my neighbor's house we played in the hot sun till I heard a beeping sound. It was my mom she was here to pick me up. I said my goodbyes and hopped in the car to go home. 

    When I walked through the door I went to my room thinking about the day I would get a dog. Wondering what type of dog I wanted and what I would name it. Then I heard my mom asking me to grab a towel from the bathroom because she spilled some water. I thought it was a bit strange since the paper towels were across the room but oh well. As I walked to the bathroom my mind wandered elsewhere thinking about going to the pool and splashing in the cool water and hanging out with my friends in the hot sun. I opened the bathroom door, my mind still in a trance thinking about the fun summer ahead, as I reached out for the towel my mom had asked for when suddenly I heard it. Woof! the sound snapped my mind back into reality, I looked around scanning the room, out of the corner of my eye I saw it. A small orange figure was in the bathtub. My heart started to race. Is this what I think it is?

    Trying not to get my hopes up too much but still my mind races. Could it be a dog? If it was the dog, big or little, a girl or boy. I go over to the shower, I find him inside. What I've been wanting and wishing for all these years. Inside the tub, his tail wags with excitement, my heart starts to race overfilled with joy, I was overjoyed and excited. I reached to pick him up feeling his soft fur and as soon as I did, I could feel our friendship grow. I can tell we will be good friends. I decided to name him Ollie. Ollie the dog I’ve always wanted. I guess sometimes it is better to be patient after all.

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