Best friends short story | Teen Ink

Best friends short story

February 8, 2022
By Anonymous

In the morning by the gym Ayla and Brad are talking. At quarterbrick high school is located in a big town in Idaho. About 1,000 students attend. Its a modern building with a big football stadium. 

“Brad I saw Simone kissing another guy at the movies last night,” Ayla says.

Brad looks at Ayla in uttered shock and says “Wait, what are you talking about?”

“I’m serious I saw Simone kissing another guy at the movies last night.” Ayla replies. 

“I don’t believe you.” says Brad

“Why not?” Says Simone

“Because she’s my girlfriend and she’s way to nice to do that type of stuff to me.” Says Brad


Simone walks by and hears her say that and takes off running into the bathroom crying. Ayla chases her into the bathroom.

“WHY WOULD YOU TELL BRAD THAT LIE?” Simone yells throwing her hands in the air.

“I don’t know Simone” Ayla says with her head down

Simone scoffs and says “You know what Ayla we aren’t friends anymore” 

“Wait what, why?” Ayla responds

Simone rolls her eyes and replies “Because you always do this lying on me stuff and its annoying and we are supposed to be best friends and best friends don’t do that to each other” 

“Okay then.” Ayla says starting to tear up 

     Simone gets up and walks away. Later that evening theres a knock at Simone’s door she opens the door and it’s Ayla

“What do you want Ayla?” Says Simone

“Simone can we please talk?” Says Ayla

“Sure whatever” Says Simone 

Simone lets Ayla into the house and they go up to Simones room. 

“Okay so what do you want to talk about?” Says Simone

“Look I am so sorry that I told Brad I saw you kissing another guy at the movies. I only said that because I really like Brad and I was trying to get his attention and take him away from you.” Says Ayla

“Um wow. Well you still shouldn’t have said that about me to my boyfriend that was wrong. You could have ruined our relationship.” Says Simone 

  “I know and I’m sorry I won’t do it again can we please be friends again?” Says Ayla

“Only if you tell Brad the truth” says Simone

“Okay I will” Replied Ayla
The next day at school Ayla, Brad, and Simone are walking around the halls in the morning 

“Hey Brad I have to tell you something” Says Ayla

“What’s up Ayla” Said Brad

“I lied Simone didn’t actually kiss another guy at the movies I only said that because I was jealous of your relationship with her and I like really like you. I’m so very sorry that I did that and almost ruined your relationship” Says Ayla

“Wow umm…. That’s crazy and was very rude of you to do.” Says Brad

“I know I sorry can you ever forgive me?” Says Ayla

“Yes, I can” says Brad

“I forgive you too Ayla.” Says Simone

“So were friends again?” Asks Ayla

“Yep, I missed you bestie.” Simone says giving Ayla a hug

“I missed you more” says Ayla

The author's comments:

This story is about a two best friend's and one of the friends lies to her best friends boyfriend

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