The 4 Braydens | Teen Ink

The 4 Braydens

February 11, 2022
By BBYNUM3 BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
BBYNUM3 BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I arranged a meeting at the coffee shop with three people. They come in different sizes and from different timelines.  One is 6’3” tall and has curly hair.  Second is 5’7” with short hair, and the last one is 5’1” with long hair. 

We all looked at each other and said, “Is this deja vu?” I'm interacting with my other selves and the conversation is very interesting. “So what should I call all of you?” They replied, “How about we name each other by Brayden 1, 2, 3, and 4?” I replied “Oh, like that one moment from the new spider man movie! Smart thinking future me”! 

Brayden 1 asked, “What's our life like in the future?” 

Brayden 4 replied, “We achieved our goals, present me, or should I say Brayden 1? We are in college right now for engineering! ” 

Brayden 2 comes in and describes his life. “My life is not going well. I've become sad and school has been very stressful.”

 Brayden 4 replies, “I know what you mean, Brayden 2. Right now in your time you're still figuring out what you want to do for school.” 

Brayden 3 jumped in aggressively. “Guys, my life is terrible!  Our parents kicked me out of the house because I failed high school. Now I live in an apartment alone. I had to figure out the hard way how to pay bills and buy an apartment.”

Brayden 1 added, “I was on the urge of giving up in high school, but look at me now. I'm a senior trying to apply at a college that I want to be at. I think Brayden 4 and  I are pretty much on the same timeline, just a few years ahead from each other.”

Brayden 2 and 3 are the result of our alternate present and future. Their lives were not good because they made bad choices. 

Brayden 3 replies in an angry way “Well then, how about your life goes bad so I don't have to endure this pain? I hate my life. My life is horrible and it's because of you Brayden 1.”

 Brayden 1 explains,  “Look Brayden 3, I know you're upset and confused on how Brayden 4 and I are going through the best lives and believe me, I can understand. I would be jealous of why his life is so perfect but mine is bad. If Brayden 1 would tell the other Braydens what’s going on in his life, he could change their journeys, so he stays quiet.

Brayden 2 has tears going down his face. Brayden 4 asks him what's wrong and Brayden 2 tells him, “Bro I’m so over this! Why did you try to meet with Brayden 1?

 Brayden 1 replies, “Look, I just wanted to know how my life would be if I chose the right or bad path of my life. Now I see this is my choice on how I would choose my life. Now all of you know why you're here. Do you still want to stay?”

 All the Braydens are looking at each other and one of them leaves. It's Brayden 4. “Well then Brayden 4, have a nice life.” Brayden 1 says, and  Brayden 4 smiles. “So Brayden 2 and 3, will you guys sit down? Your coffee is getting cold.” They looked at Brayden 1 and told him they had  one question to ask. 

Brayden 1 tells them to ask away.  They ask if he had a girlfriend.  

He responds in a nervous way. “What do you mean by that? Well, I used to, but not anymore because I’m really horrible at dating. But we both were not in the right mindspace. We both focused on our goals for college.”

Brayden 2 and 3 asked if it felt good to date someone.  Brayden 1 answered, “Yes it really does, it's like you can express yourself to someone like you never did before.” Time passes on and the three Braydens are talking about personal events that happened to them, and later on something happens.

 Brayden 1 realizes something. “You guys hear that?” he asks and  the other Braydens look around and they respond that they don't hear anything at all and ask if he is okay. Brayden 1 looks around and sees his phone beep. It shows his alarm and he turns off his phone. 

Brayden 1 laughs nervously and tries to deny the fact he's waking up from the dream. The three Braydens are walking around the mall and they describe it. 

Brayden 2 and 3 say, “Woahhh! The mall looks more empty than usual. What happened?” 

Brayden 1 replies “Over the years new stores got installed and some got taken out because they were not getting any business at all. They put a lot of rules in place like no teenagers can come in the mall by themselves without an adult. Lucky for you I'm eighteen years old, so I'm kind of considered an adult now.”

The other Braydens looked at Brayden 1 with shock. “You're eighteen? How is this possible?!” 

Brayden 1 replies, “ I became 18 two weeks ago. Time is different from your times, huh?” Brayden 2 and 3 were shocked, their heads shook up and down. Brayden 1 shows them what's different in the mall. 

He told them, “Gamestop got taken out around the year of 2020, since there was a pandemic that made gamestop inside the mall shut down. I was a little upset because this was the best place to get games,consoles and controllers.” 

Brayden 2 and 3 looked at Brayden 1’s face. Brayden 2 asked him if he was okay. Brayden 3 asked when was the last time he was in Gamestop. Brayden 1 replies to both questions, “I'm fine. I'm just a little upset at how they took away my childhood place. The last time I went there was in February 2020, around the time of my birthday.”

Time passes as the three Braydens walk to the door and have their final talk. Brayden 1 says, “Two other mes, whatever happens I hope your lives get better over time and I will see you guys another day.”

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