Homeless | Teen Ink


May 16, 2022
By Anonymous

I wake up on the side of the road, the sun shines on my face, the cars honk, people walk, and I’m invisible to them. People walk over me almost as if I’m not one of them, but some other life form not equal to the rest. I grab my sign and I walk through the traffic, I’ll take anything. People give me stingy looks, they roll up their windows, it hurts, but every now and then I get a kind soul that gives me just enough to keep me going. Things like that make my day, I’m so grateful for those that see me and want to help. I eat in the same place I wake up, I wear the same clothes everyday. Slowly as the sun goes down, I lay back on the side of the road, and look to repeat it all over again, and again, and again.

The author's comments:

I believe that this is a very powerful piece, and I'm very proud in it and how it turned out. 

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