The Call | Teen Ink

The Call

June 7, 2022
By Anonymous

Tommy stares at the phone knowing it will ring soon hoping it will come with good news. Tommy just sits on his chair still waiting for the call he knows he will wait for as long as it takes until it rings. Then the phone rings and he instantly picks up the phone and he hears a voice. The phone blasts out its Papa John’s Pizza telling Tommy to get five dollars off his next puchurse. Tommy slams the phone built with rage at the phone and Papa John’s. He kicks a lamp and it shatters all across the floor looking as it just got blown up by a bomb. As time still passes Tommy sits back down, becomes more calm and starts to relax. After a couple minutes of silence another call Tommy picks it up hoping it is what he is hoping for, it’s the cable company. Slam! Tommy hangs up. Then another call and Tommy picks it up, it’s his boss. Slam! Again Tommy not caring for the consequences he hangs up. For a third time the phone rings it is his mom. Slam! For a third time Tommy hangs up and each call his anger builds and builds. Tommy runs to his wall, winds up, and punches a hole right through the wall. With all his anger he keeps punching and punching. His hand starts to bleed and he starts to cry. Then he hears the phone rings and Tommy turns. He does not want to pick it up but the phone keeps ringing. He slowly walks to the phone and he picks it up. 

After getting the call Tommy slams down the phone and then rushes out the door. He gets in his car trying to go as fast as he can but then the car will not turn on. He turns on ignition over and over but the car still will not turn on. Then he opens the door and starts to run. After running for two miles Tommy starts to slow down. He needs to keep going but he is getting slower and slower. Right out of nowhere Tommy trips and falls and like a lightning bolt striking down there is a loud huge crack. Sitting there screaming at the top of his lungs Tommy cannot move but can only sit there screaming with hopelessness in the echo of the street. In the distance he can see something moving, not sure of who or what it is he calls out to it. 

“Help, help, I can’t move my leg, there is so much pain and I can’t make it stop,” miraculously there is a response, “Don’t worry friend I’ll be right there.” As the thing got closer and closer Tommy could see that it was a man pushing what looked like a shopping cart. Tommy could tell that this was a homeless man. He had many coats in the cart along with little food and some other type of clothing. As the man came closer Tommy started to just back away, not wanting to even get in the man's vicinity. 

The man came closer saying, “It’s ok son I won't bite, I am just here to help.” 

Then Tommy responds “Why would I want your help, you probably don’t even have anything in that trash can.” The man is taken aback but just stands there and smiles. 

“Well son I have this bandage wrap here that might help your little situation.” Tommy is astonished and does not know what to say. 

“Well,” the man says, “If you don’t want my help I guess I will keep on walking.” 

Tommy says desperately, “No, no, please don’t go, I really need your help.” 

“Well for being very rude, why should I help you?” 

“I am so sorry I should have been nicer, I will do whatever you ask.” 

“Well I think the appropriate thing to do is ask me what my name is and introduce yourself.” 

“I am sorry sir, my name is Tommy and you are.” 

“My name is John and it is nice to meet you Tommy,” “Now if I may ask how did you get yourself in this situation?” 

Tommy explains how he has been waiting for a call for sometime and when he got the call he had to leave and he tried to drive in his car but it would not start. Then he had to run and eventually slipped and scraped his leg. Talking more as John was helping Tommy with his leg John was saying how he used to serve in the army and treated many wounds but when he came back he could never hold a job. It was also very tough for John because of his age and slow approach to many things. As John was finishing up Tommy was helped standing up and took one step forward. With that first step Tommy crumbled to the ground as if all the life was sucked out of him. 

Tommy cried out in pain, “I don’t think I can walk, there is something wrong with it.” 

As giving as John is he said that he can take Tommy in his cart and stroll him to where he needs to go. Tommy hobbles in the cart and John and him take off down the road.

After the ten minutes that Tommy was in the cart John looks at him and asks, “Where are we going?”

 So they keep walking and then all of a sudden Tommy yells, “Stop!” John stops and looks around, he notices that they are in the center of the town and he sees in the distance a person sitting on the giant water fountain. There are lights all around as all the lights focus on this one spot. John notices that the person sitting down is a woman and this woman starts to smile as they approach the fountain. She stands up and starts to walk over. Once she lays eyes on Tommy she runs over to see what happened. Tommy calms her down and tells her what happened and tells her that John saved him and brought him here. The girl looks up at John and mouths the words thank you. The woman helps Tommy out of the cart and sits him down at the fountain. 

The woman says, “I was worried when I called you that I was down at the fountain that you would not show up.” 

Tommy laughs hysterically and replies, “Oh Cherry of course I came.” 

As John looks on he intervenes and says, “I think I’ll get going now and leave you two alone.” 

Tommy replies “Nonsense I need you right now, by my side.” 

As this is happening Tommy gets down on one knee and looks at Cherry. In her heart she knew what was going to happen but just sat there. Tommy gets on one knee and pulls out a case. 

With one hand being held by John and the other with a case Tommy says the words, “Cherry, will you marry me?”

The author's comments:

This is a fictional piece that was for a school project and is about a man getting to where he needs to go.

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