The Light That Saved Me | Teen Ink

The Light That Saved Me

August 31, 2022
By Midnight_ BRONZE, Radcliff, Kentucky
Midnight_ BRONZE, Radcliff, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the past, she viewed life differently than she does now. Different views, values, and goals in life now than she did when she was younger. This is all because of the help from the light.

When thinking about childhood, the first thing people imagine are children running around on a sunny day, the sweet innocent giggles emitting from their mouths as their parents watch them afar. It sounds sweet, doesn't it? Yet, she did not get that privilege; she was born from a troubled woman who had a troubled past, and instead of doing what she thought was best for her child, she decides to push her pain, her troubles, to an innocent child that didn't ask to be on this earth in the first place.

When she was young all she understood was pain and insecurities. Now an eight-year-old should be worrying about getting the new monster high doll that's the new limited edition, not why their mother sees them as the reason for their pain. Why aren't they good enough for basic love? No child should think that right? They shouldn't feel as if their once lively heart should begin to crumble like a piece of paper; and once the kindest words try to smooth it out, their heart is still wrinkled.

And as that pain, the excruciating pain of wanting to be the perfect daughter whose mother would one day love her, never came, she decided to seek out other things. And the things she used to not want to be her friends, to ruin her, became the one thing that supported her, but it supported her for the worse. Instead, the demons whispered their words like how Satan whispered to Eve; their touch wasn't gentle nor delicate; instead, it was as if a vine filled with dangerous poison wrapped around her body as they dragged her deeper and deeper into the dark pits where no light surrounded her.

For some time the darkness then became normal, to the point she began to seek out the darkness more and more, until her body became a red canvas for the thorns, their touch became addicting, and she craved it every day. She craved the red paint to cover her body, and if she couldn't then she would seek out the touch of others, others who she knew never wanted her but at the time they did, and she took advantage of that. To feel wanted, to feel loved, to feel the soft hands of another. But as always, good things never last, as the embrace of the thorns, of whom she called her demons, her friends began to once again engulf her into their little hole, their hole that suffocated her.

And as the last thorn was lulling her into a deep slumber, a slumber that would let her sleep in peace; a light shown through the darkness; a light she didn't believe she would ever see. Burned away the thorns, healed her scars, and dried away all the red paint that she had let surround her, drowning her in its feeling. Then the light spoke to her; its voice soft like silk, loving like a touch of someone who cared, and warm like a blanket on a winter's day.

It showed her what true happiness was, what true motherly and fatherly love was, and how to become one with herself. And as that light continued to guide her on its path, it began to change her as well as her demons. Now they no longer haunt the once broken girl; they now are one with her. Their touch is no longer sharp, nor deadly, but instead filled with small lotus flowers that continue to bloom as she continues to grow.

The once little girl that wondered what was wrong with her was now healed, and if the light never came to guide the little girl from the darkness that surrounded her, that tried to engulf her into its own darkness. That little girl would be gone, turned into the air she once used to breathe, the grass she once used to walk on, and the moon she used to stare at, wondering when her time would come.

Now, she doesn't wait for that time, and though she deals with some occurring nightmares and feels some of the lingering effects of the thorns, she knows that the light is always with her and is never letting her go. She now wants to keep going, become an author, a mother of her own, yet this time she's breaking the curse of the thorns. The thorns that once engulfed her.

This little girl once viewed life as a black hole waiting for her to completely submerge. But now she's reborn and sees life worth going through, and as she continues to move forward, she'll see that life was meant to be good for her; her views, values, desires, and goals are all now positive and healthy for her. And all of this was because of the light, the light that saved her.

The author's comments:

There is a light out there to save someone.

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