“The High School of suspense” | Teen Ink

“The High School of suspense”

September 9, 2022
By Camila_Ayala BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Camila_Ayala BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the State of California, in the city of Sacramento after 10 long years a new high school was founded on June 7, 2000. All the people who lived in this place were very excited because their children would have a new opportunity for studying. Most of the parents were very worried and excited at the same time, as they were looking forward to this day. But fear consumed them, just thinking that there is the possibility of going through the same situation that 10 years ago gave them goosebumps. It took about 5 months to break the big news to the whole city, all the students until that moment had too much anxiety since it was something new for them. Finally, the most awaited day arrived on February 19, 2010. 

The high school was a novelty at that time, it was a great surprise that 700 students showed up, many of them felt embarrassment and a little of anxiety. But more than half of the students already knew each other, especially 3 friends who lived in the same neighborhood, grew up as children and were lucky enough to stay in the same classroom and for them it was the best.

The little group of friends was made up of 1 girl and two boys. The girl's name is Karla; she is  tall, and very afraid. Every time something scares her, she trembles like jelly, she is the oldest of the group and is 16 years old.  Then there is Oscar, he is very white, but he is not as tall as Karla, he is 15 years old and always shines like a sun, he is the most intelligent but the most outspoken of the group. Finally, this Victor, he is brave as a lion, he was as tall as Karla, he is the same age as Oscar and the only difference is that he always got them into trouble.

The first year of classes was really amazing, everything was perfect, the teachers were very good, that's why they finished the year with good grades, they had their long vacations, as expected. After two months of vacation, Oscar had the idea of ​​inviting his two friends to his house since he hadn't seen them for a long time.

Karla: Hi Oscar, I hadn't seen you for a long time and I missed you.

Víctor: My vacations seemed eternal; I fell asleep like a baby.

Oscar: I missed you too, in fact I started thinking about many things. Don't you wonder why the high school opened again after 10 years and why is there so much mystery?

Karla: At some point I thought about it too, I even asked my mother, but when I thought about it I never had a concrete answer.

Víctor: I had never really thought about it, but should we investigate for ourselves not to believe?

The talk ended that same day, and as they said from Monday they began to investigate, but on the internet, there was no information about the high school or the reason why it was closed, the teachers avoided the subject, and their parents the same, so they decided to go to the high school at night because it was obvious that during the day, they couldn't carry out their search. They left quite prepared, in their backpack they carried: lamps, helmets, raincoats, radios, cameras, food and water.

They finally found what they were looking for in the last room of the high school, which was the darkest and oldest room, they found a very battered box they knew it was not a good idea to open it, but they did the opposite they opened it and began to play curiously it was just for 3 participants and Oscar wrote to Karla and Victor for no reason.

From that moment the room was put like ice, and they felt a very bad presence, the bad thing was that they never read the letter that said that everyone who opened the portal again would be haunted unless they closed the portal and the spell. At that moment they unthinkingly ran out of high school and promised to say absolutely nothing to anyone was a secret they had to keep always.

The next day they were very afraid to go to school because they knew that what they did was not right, they were very anxious just thinking that they would be scared in high school or that the box had demons, they began to think the worst. Karla, who was the most fearful, saw a girl in the bathroom who was talking to her, but she thought it was just her imagination. Oscar heard voices in his ear saying very bad things. Victor saw many shadows and these events happened daily so much that they thought they were going crazy.

Ms. Jazmin was very concerned about her 3 students so much that she had a great request. She noticed the new changes in them, when I asked them, they did not say anything. Karla, Oscar, and Víctor, who would finish what they had already started, could no longer stay like this at school because that spell really brought them a lot of problems. Finally that day in the afternoon, they stayed at school to finish what they had achieved, but the problem was that they did not tell  the teacher was spying on them, she wanted to know what was really going on.

 When they were about to reach the room where the box was, Karla vaguely recognized Mr. Jasmine and she confronted them. They had no choice but to tell the truth because they really were very desperate. After Ms. Jazmin told her the truth, she was still honest with them and was 

too ashamed not to tell them before and told them that because of the box they had found they closed the high school 10 years ago and that the same story was repeated and that those who opened the same portal years ago were their parents.

At that time, they were very worried and quickly looked for options to put an end to it, Karla found a lighter and with the help of Oscar, Víctor, and Ms. Jazmin burned down the entire room and the haunted box. They felt how everything bad went back from their body and in the blink of an eye everything returned to normal, all the fire hit the door and when they least expected it and changed their lives completely, since they were sure that it would never happen again.

Finally, they left the room, and every single thing  was intact, everything seemed like a dream, everything returned to normal. There were no more portals, no haunted boxes, it was just the 3 friends and the teacher.

The author's comments:

Hello, I am a high school student I have been living in the United States approximately 1 year and 2 months.  Making this story really was something spectacular, it is not something new that I like to write love stories or fiction but having to write it in English was a challenge that I would definitely take again. Finally, I conclude by saying nothing would make me happier if my story could be read and meet more people.

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