The NBA Dream | Teen Ink

The NBA Dream

September 12, 2022
By albert05 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
albert05 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   It’s Christmas morning, Albert wakes up. He starts to call his family to wish them a Merry Christmas. He gets up to use the restroom, then takes a shower. He gets out changes, then he cooks an omelette and some bacon, he feeds his dog as well.

     He’s a bit nervous about today because he has a basketball game but it’s on Christmas day which is his first. To him, those games are special because it’s on a holiday where families spend time together. His family was going to be there to watch him. He started to think more deep into it. He was too nervous, it was as if he had actual butterflies in his stomach.

     All of a sudden his phone vibrated, “bzz bzz”, it was his Coach. He called him to tell him Merry Christmas,”Merry Christmas Albert, I just wanted to make sure you’re ready for today and I have a surprise for you.”. Albert got excited but then nervous too. He told his Coach “Can’t wait to see what it is.”, then hung up.

     He started to mess with his benign dog to ease his mind off. His game starts at 7 in the evening so he had time to waste since it was 10 in the morning.

            He decided to go to the gym to get some early training to practice for his game. He arrived at the gym at 10:30, he met up with 2 of his teammates Jalen Green and Kevin Porter Jr. They greeted Albert when he arrived and told each other Merry Christmas. Jalen asked him how he is feeling about today,”You ready for your first Christmas Albert?”.Albert’s capricious moods were difficult for him to answer the question . He just responded saying “Of course it’ll be an easy one, their team is banal unlike us.”, knowing that he was lying. Kevin said “Yuh that’s what we like to hear.”. They started to practice for 3 and a half hours.

      After their practice they headed home and showered. Albert takes a nap for 2 hours. He wakes up and starts to get his basketball gear ready. He then cooks a quick egg-bacon sandwich for him and of course he gives some to his dog as well. Before Albert heads out to Toyota Center, he lets his dog run around free in the backyard.

     He listens to one of his favorite songs,”American Dream” featuring one of his favorite artists J.Cole. During the ride, Albert rethinks what he told Jalen. He says “ I’m right they’re just ordinary people like us” as Albert gets less nervous he is pumped. He was ready to beat the Warriors.

     Albert arrives at the stadium and meets up with his Coach. His Coach tells him the surprise, “Albert you’re going to be our starting small forward for tonight.”Albert got excited like a baby getting candy . Albert told his Coach”Thank you for this opportunity Coach, you won’t regret it.”Albert's motivation ascended. Albert went to the locker room and his teammates started to give him a standing motivation after hearing the surprise from Coach.

     It’s already 6 and the game starts in an hour, Albert is pumped as if he had it in the bag already. Albert and his teammates are on the court practicing on their shot. Albert is listening to music while shooting, Jalen taps his shoulder so he can try to give him advice. Jalen tells him”Don’t be nervous on your shot, when you’re open you shoot don’t ever forget that.”Albert praised Jalen for the advice.

     Albert sees Draymond Green on the court, he didn’t think he was playing, supposedly he was injured. Albert lost his confidence all of a sudden, as if he saw a ghost. Draymond has been saying comments about Albert on social media. He lost all his motivation. The game was about to start, Draymond chanted out loud “I got that rookie Albert!”

     The game starts and Albert scores the first point of the game. Albert and his team are off with a great start, they have the lead 20-13. Draymond doesn’t like it, he tells Albert “Lucky start!”. It’s the end of the 1st quarter Albert has scored 7 points so far.

     Draymond is still on Albert in the 2nd quarter. Albert has the ball he does a step back 3 pointer and bangs it in. Jalen tells him “Good shot! “Albert gets his confidence back.

     It’s halftime, Albert and his team are down by 5 points 47-42.3rd quarter begins and Kevin tells Albert “Be ready for an open shot.” Albert says “I’ll try my best but with Draymond on me I don’t know”. Albert has scored 15 points already while being in the middle of  the 3rd quarter.

     It’s already the 4th quarter and Albert and his team have 97 points while the other have 102.With 1 minute left, Albert has the ball, he tries to do his step back 3 again but Draymond makes a hard foul and says “NOT AGAIN!!”

     Albert falls to the ground. His teammates surround him. His face feels like its getting licked. Albert wakes up, it was all a dream. Albert’s dog was licking him. Albert just sits there thinking. He just sits on his bed with pee thinking how it felt so real and how he can make it his reality.

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