Surprise, Surprise | Teen Ink

Surprise, Surprise

September 12, 2022
By mariahgalvez713 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
mariahgalvez713 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was December 13, 2018, just a regular day but for Anna, little did she know her entire life was just about to change forever. Anna and her friends Jazmine and Denise Are 22 year old's College students who also shared a dorm room together. 
On that morning Anna woke up feeling a bit off, but she thought it might just be a stomach bug or that's she didn’t sleep well. She brushed it off and went to class. When she got to class, she told both Jazmine and Denise how she was feeling. They both told her to go get checked by a doctor because her symptoms were a bit concerning to them, but Anna declined their offer and decided to stay in class. After their first class ends, the girls walk together to their next class together. While they were walking Anna started getting stronger stomach pains, but she chose to ignore the pain in hope that it would go away later on that day. While Anna was presenting her presentation to her class, Anna felt something running down her legs. She was so embarrassed, she ran to the restroom to check on herself since that has never happened to her. As she was checking herself, Denise and Jazmine come running into the restroom to check up on her.  
Out of the blue, Anna starts screaming from the top of her lungs. Her pain started to become stronger and stronger, she felt like she had to push. Jazmine and Denise freak out and insist on taking Anna to the nearest hospital. Anna finally agrees, so they left in a rush to figure out what was wrong with Anna. Once they arrived at the hospital, Anna described her symptoms to the doctor. He was in complete shock, he ran many tests on her to figure out what was wrong. After 10 minutes, the doctor confirmed that Anna was 9 months pregnant and was in labor. Anna and her friends were in complete shock. How could Anna not know she was pregnant the entire 9 months. Anna was scared, she didn’t know how to react and she couldn’t process what was happening at that moment, all she knew was that she was in so much pain. As soon as the doctor finally put her in her delivery room, she started to push immediately. After 7 minutes of pushing, Anna finally gave birth to a handsome and healthy baby boy. While her friends were excited for her, Anna didn’t know how to feel. She thought her life was ruined. “I’m a young, broke, college student. How am I going to provide anything for this baby? I'm not ready for all this responsibility.” 
After a couple of minutes go by. Anna starts thinking of giving the baby up for adoption. She thought about it for about 2 hours and decided she couldn't take care of the baby. Anna tells a nurse about her decision, so they bring her paperwork to fill out to start the process of giving the baby up for adoption. Before Anna even started filling out the paperwork, her friends came into the delivery room with gifts for Anna and the baby. While Jazmine was waiting for her turn to hold the baby, she saw the paperwork next to Anna’s bed and told Denise about it. They questioned Anna about it, and she started to cry and explain to them how she felt like her life was ruined and how she wouldn’t be able to raise the baby alone. Her friends both told her that they will forever be there for her for support and to help her take care of the baby, but Anna declined their offer and told them that she already made her mind up. Her friends kept on trying to convince Anna to keep the baby, but Anna kept declining and telling her friends that she already made up her mind. Her friends finally gave up on trying to convince her and decided to respect her decision on giving the baby up. Once her friends left, the nurse came back into the room and took the baby back to where all the other babies are. Anna started to fill out the paperwork, but somehow she felt her heart breaking into a million pieces when she thought about giving up the baby. The nurse brought the baby back into the room, so Anna can feed him. As soon as Anna held her baby boy her heart felt complete. 
Before making her final decision, Anna started to think about what her friends said to her. She gave them a call, and she told them that she doesn’t know what to do. They tried to convince her to keep the baby, “Maybe this was your biggest blessing in disguise,” said Jazmine. As soon as Anna heard Jazmine say that to her, she knew in her heart it was only right if she kept her baby with her. Anna quickly called the nurses into the room to inform them that she will be keeping the baby. Anna quickly got the paperwork and ripped it into pieces and celebrated. 
Although this baby was not planned and was a complete surprise to Anna, she knew that she’ll always have support from her friends. What seemed to be just a regular day for Anna, just became the best day of her life. 

The author's comments:

 This article was to show how sometimes your biggest blessing can come in disguise or out of no where. 

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