A Day With Sebastian | Teen Ink

A Day With Sebastian

September 15, 2022
By Anonymous

A Day With Sebastian 

It was like any other day where Remy was probably out with friends and Angelica was doing the laundry. When Angelica finished with the laundry she started to do some work on her computer and checked her email where she saw a name she thought she would never see again. It was Sebastian; Remy's father. The email said that he was ready to meet his daughter after all those years. 

When Remy got home Angelica sat her down and explained the story to her. She said that her father left because he had fallen in love with another girl and wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. Remy never knew why she didn't have a dad growing up until now. She thought something was off about her mothers story because there were a few parts in the story that didn't add up or make sense. She agreed to meeting her dad and spending the day with him. 

The day was still early so they decided to do the meet up the same day. As soon as Sebastian saw Remy he automatically knew she was his daughter.

 Remy walked up to Sebastian and they gave each other an awkward hug. Angelica had things to do, so she left Remy with her Sebastian for the rest of the day. Right when angelica left Remy and her father started to walk so they could admire Central Park together. It was silent for a few minutes because they were both shy. 

Sebastian then broke the silence and asked her some questions like how is school going, how's your life been, and he also asked about Angelica. As soon as Remy and Sebastian got a little more comfortable with each other, that's when Remy decided to get the question out of the way. She asked why he had left when she was a baby. What he said surprised her. He said he left because he got an amazing job and he couldn't just pass on the opportunity. He also didn't think having a kid was the best choice for him at the moment. He also mentioned that he thought Angelina should put Ramy up for adoption since they were both so young and clearly weren't ready for that big of a responsibility. Remy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was in a state of shock, her dad really didn't want her. She took a few minutes to herself to work out her feelings, then went back to ask her father another question. “Why did you decide to come back after so long?” He said he was out eating with his bosses and saw a dad having a lunch date with his daughter. He stopped to realize he had a daughter he could do those types of things with and decided it was time to find and meet his daughter. Remy understood that he was young when he left and tried to put herself in his shoes. 

“Ever since that day at the restaurant I felt ashamed of myself for making such a big and reckless decision.” He asked Remy to forgive him so they could try to work on their relationship. She took about ten minutes to herself to think it all through and though the reason he gave was not good enough for her she could kind of understand that he was young and not ready and she decided to forgive her father so they could start working on having a relationship. 

To change the subject to something else Sebastian asked Remy if she still had her pink baby blanket; she said yes and asked why he was asking. He said it's because he was the one who gave her that blanket and Remy explained that she's slept with that blanket ever since she could  remember. She always wondered why that blanket was her favorite; her blanket made her feel so safe and comforted. 

They spent the rest of their time together talking more and trying to get to know each other a little better. Hours had passed, it was 8:00pm already. They didn't realize how much time they spent talking. Sebastian decided it was time to take Remy back to her grandma's house. 

When she arrived home she said her goodbyes and went inside. Her mom and grandma rushed to her to ask how everything went and asked a million other questions. Grandma Isabell asked Remy if she liked being out with her dad and how she felt about him. Remy said he was cool and while looking her mother in the eyes she said I know the real reason why he left. Angelica was confused because she didn't know what Remy meant by real reason. Remy explained to her mom and grandma what her dad had told her. Angelica was surprised because the whole time she thought he left for a completely different reason. Remy was also confused, she asked “Why did you think he left for another woman?” Her mom explained that Sebastian had left a message with her friend because he didn't have time to tell her. The message her friend left was that he had fallen in love with another woman and didn't think they should be together anymore. Angelica now knew that it was all a lie and that she had been angry with him for the wrong reason. 

“I guess I had it all wrong,” said Angelina. Since Remy decided to forgive him she thought she should as well, and that's when she forgave him. 

After Remy finished talking with her mom she decided to lay down after such a long day. When Remy layed down she grabbed her blanket remembering the story her dad had told her. She slowly fell asleep thinking about the next time she'll see him.

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