The Halloween Night that never Existed | Teen Ink

The Halloween Night that never Existed

December 16, 2022
By Anonymous

Muhahahaha The night is going to start with a horde of people and bags overfilled with candy and treats that are going to make you a freak. The streets will be filled with costumes, monsters, and screams, and the night will be enjoyable with Abigail, Nate, and me. Dressing up in our silly costumes Abigail is the creepy one with a white dress smeared in blood and long black hair over her face. I and Nate are just some hippies tonight, getting ready to fill the black cat-decorated bags that we have stored from year to year. Our faces had fake beards drawn on with mascara, but they looked scruffy because they seemed to wear off and smear over time. Abigail will have fake blood and black around her eyes once it gets dark, and I think we are going to be scared of her more than anything else out there tonight. Nobody knew about the Halloween hauntings because of the terrifying monsters hiding behind the trees. With the eyes in the bushes and the balloons floating from the sewer, many people don't know the secrets of Halloween. Five strikes the clock, and the sun starts to set. The night was going to be a riot of fun and sugar. My sister, Abigail, was dressed as a character from the film The Ring. I found out that she had never seen the movie, but if she had, she wouldn't be out this Halloween. The clouds start rolling in, and the spirits are going to rise into the night of the hauntings of Halloween. My mom was kind of freaked out that I was saying these things out loud, as she thought I was possessed or taken over by a spirit, but she just went along trying to scare Abigail. The gloom rises as the moon is full, the street lights come on, and maybe there is going to be a ghoul. The sewers are flowing, and that is what I hear as we all float down here as the balloons get tied to the sewers. The house lights turn on almost all of them at once as the sun goes down; the night has just begun. We take pictures on the lawn, but the flash jumps at us and hurts our eyes. "Sorry about the flash," my mom yells, and she takes a normal picture of a night that is just getting started and is going to be so much fun. But Abigail didn't like the picture, so we went to round two and shot some more blurry eye pictures in the night sky for Halloween. Is that an orb in the picture? Yes, it is, as the spirits are out tonight getting ready for a scare. Abigail wanted to wait for trick-or-treaters before we went, and we went on for 30 minutes waiting for one. The clock struck seven o'clock, and the night was over, but no one was awake. One person stopped by, but the night was empty. "Wait! Where are all the trick-or-treaters?" yelled Abigail. Ooh, don't worry, the night is just starting. More people are going to come out later, and the spirits in the night will all be out soon. Just give it a while. Are you sure? Yes, I'm positive the night will be fun. Thirty minutes pass, and not a single soul is around as we decide to go out and trick or treat ourselves. As some of the houses are dark and porch lights are turned off, others are lit up with skeletons and blue lights handing out candy and giving us big lumps of candy, as we were also their first trick-or-treaters. Wow, I said, this night is scary as it's dark and gloomy with screams around the block but not one person in sight, not even a car. As we hear screams from a distance, we begin to run, but there is no one in sight, and the screams cease. Is it just in our heads? Am I dreaming? Is this night unfolding before my eyes? Please tell me I am dreaming. I don't want the night to be like this. This night was in a twist, as I had sworn I saw the mist of a ghost walking by. As we wander through the blocks, there is no one in sight. There was no one in sight as I tried to fight the feelings in my head and the tears in my eyes from the night I loved but failed in my mind. I stopped by some houses with their porch lights on and little kids handing out candy. Why aren't they out with no costume or Halloween spirit, just them in the living room with a bowl of candy? This isn't normal. We never did that as kids, and now I'm eight and going trick-or-treating with little lone kids handing out candy! This new generation wasn't like ours when Halloween came. We all dressed up, except for my sister, who looked odd being the only kid dressed up with a bag of candy. It was weird being dressed up for Halloween this year, as no one was, and you just looked like a weirdo walking down the street begging for candy and food. This isn't normal. I wish the night could change, but my Halloween spirit will always be in my mind. My sister, Abigail, was very sad, as was Nate, as we stopped at every house and not one trick or treat was to be seen. The time struck nine, and still, no one was out. There was still screaming, though, and we couldn't figure out where it was coming from. The night was in the shadows of what Halloween used to be; the night didn't even feel like it was Halloween. Well, to end the night, we went down to our parent's house and told them there was no one to be seen but to look at the bag of candy we got. As loaded with candy as we could be, I would rather have less candy or even no candy just to see the streets packed like they used to be.

The author's comments:

This is a fiction story about a dead Halloween night. The point of this story is that the tradition is slowly ending. 

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