Three Pillars of Life | Teen Ink

Three Pillars of Life

January 17, 2023
By Anonymous

There’s nothing I rely on more in life than my car, phone, and money. They’re what get me through the day. They’re my keys to getting to any place I want to go and being able to pay for it. They’re like the keys to my life. All three of those items are very important to me in separate ways and each is its own very separate pillar in my life.
My car is how I get to every place that I want to in a short amount of time without having to ask my parents to drive me. My car is one of my favorite things because I enjoy driving a lot. My car is how I get to practice and school every single day. My car is how I’m able to go to friends’ houses whenever I want. My car is a pillar in my life because it takes me to any place I want.
I used to not think of a car as an important thing until I got older and started needing rides everywhere because I didn’t have a car or a license at the time. But it was super annoying to have to nag my friends to drive me places, or my parents. I could never go do what I truly wanted to do and always needed someone to help me get where I wanted to go. Now I feel like I truly have freedom with where, and when I want to go do stuff. I don’t have to plan it out days ahead of time and ask my friends to drive me, or my parents to drive me. Now that I have my own car I don’t need to nag people to drive me which is super helpful. My car is a pillar in my life.
My phone is a pillar in my life because it’s how I communicate with my friends and family. I always want to stay in contact with my friends and family, and that’s super hard while traveling so much with hockey. There are times when I will only see my parents for 15 minutes a week just super briefly like before I go to practice for the night right after they get home from work. That’s why I need my phone to text them. It’s my way to still be in touch with home, and also stay in touch with my friends. My friends, I will hang out with others outside of school maybe once or twice a month during the season. That’s why my phone is super important because it lets me keep in touch with my friends and text them about things that I would normally just tell them in person but I can’t because I’m never in town. My phone is a way that I can still communicate with people that have a major impact on my life because I rarely see them.
Ka-ching the cash register goes after you buy anything. But what do you use to buy almost everything? Money. Money is like the key to anything in this world. You can’t go anywhere without it, and people say money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you experiences and items that bring you happiness. Even the other two pillars in my life you can’t get them without buying them with money… well you could steal them but that’s not right. To get anything the right way you’re gonna need money. Money isn’t something that is given to you, you’re gonna need to work for it. Money is a key to life, but it isn’t something that will be given to you, you’re gonna have to work for it.
All of these items have a different reason why they’re so important to me, but they each do their own things. My car can take me anywhere I want. My phone can help me communicate with people. Finally, money is what you use to buy those items. All of them together make up the three pillars of my life.

The author's comments:

I enjoyed writing it

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