The class plant is dead. | Teen Ink

The class plant is dead.

January 17, 2023
By CGG BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
CGG BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The class plant is dead

So as I exited my mom’s car with a flowing red polka dot dress and twin braids swinging back and forth I wondered what kind of day I would have today.

“Have a good day sweetie! Learn something new!” my mom called out.

I turned around flashing my pearly white teeth while saying 

“I will!”

“Also no getting in trouble ok?” my mom urged me.

“I’ll try!” I replied with a grin.

In elementary, we got the opportunity to play outside before the bell rang so it was the perfect opportunity to blow off some steam. There I always see one of my friends, Annie running towards me.

“Hey Jackie, don't you wanna play with us? We are playing-”


“Hey, that's not fair, I wasn't playing!” Annie Whined as Daisy ran away from her.

We looked at each other for a split second before I ran past her sticking my tongue out.

“HEY! Come back!” I heard Annie say in the distance. I turned around to look at my friend who was still angry at me because I managed to escape her. I was like a little mouse getting chased by a big cat. But after a while I got bored so I went to the slide where someone was hogging. “Hey get off! I want to go down the slide!” I called out.

“No! I don’t want to! Plus what are YOU gonna do about it!” the snooty girl said. How rude! So I did do something about it, I pushed her off the play structure.

“Ow!” the girl cried. As the teacher approached she glared at me.

“Jackie go to the principal's office! NOW!” The teacher yelled. For the rest of playtime, I was stuck with Mis Boring Betty's writing: I will not play rough. At some point, Boring Betty started singing and that’s when I puked all over her office. She stared at me in shock before sending me to my classroom

The first thing I had in the morning was reading and at exactly 9:45 (or so I could not tell time) when Liam started to interrupt everyone's reading… with fart noises.

“EWWWWW! Who just farted?!” Someone. Instinctively everyone pinched their noses and complained about a fart that never really happened.

“Eww. It smells horrible here!”

“Someone has to open a window!” 

“I feel like I’m about to pass out”

My young self did not know that you are supposed to complain about non-existent farts so you are not blamed for them. 

“Are you sure someone farted? I don’t smell anything,” I said. 

“Guys... I think it was Jackie who farted…” Liam snickered

“I did not!”

“Did too”

“Did not!”

“Enough children! Farting is a natural response of the body; it is nothing to be ashamed of now.” Teacher said.

“But Teacher I saw you scrunch up your nose when Jackie farted,” Willow said

“Willow please go outside. God how she misbehaves.” Teacher said. Willow (yes she is called that and yes we say it to her face) stared at her with wide eyes, lip quivering before she went outside.

 “Anywho it is time for recess! Michelle, remember your lunch buddy today is Madaline.”

Recess was always fun, except when Willow was crying. It is sad when willow cries because she is so nice. But sometimes she does not know when to stop talking. So when my friends and I were eating, I had broccoli and tuna fish salad, which is horrible since I HATE BROCCOLI, and the tuna just smells bad after some time. 

“Anyone got something decent to eat? I got broccoli and a tuna sandwich.” I pouted

“That sucks, would you like aaaaaa Ummm… gummies? It’s the ones that I don’t like.”

“Oooh, that's perfect Daisy. Thank you!” I flashed her a smile

Then we heard someone crying.

“NOT IT!” my friends all yelled


“Oh, we said ‘not it to see who would have to cheer up Weeping Willow”

“Ohh ok I’ll be back!” I yelled as I ran toward the crying girl

Willow was sitting under the tree she always goes to when she cries. What's funny is that the tree itself was a weeping willow.

“Hey Willow… what's going on in the Weeping tree-”

“WAHHHHH” wept the willow

That was kinda gross. Because there was snot everywhere and her face was red and puffy… like a blowfish. I did not have time for her crying self. I was hungry ok.

“I'm sorry Willow but I need to eat. So I’m leaving,” I said as I turned around and went back down the hill.

“CHILDREN IN THE CLASSROOM NOW!” We all spun around desperate to find whoever was calling us to see Teacher. She was an angry bull with demon horns and smoke coming out of her ears and nostrils.


When we reached the classroom teacher put on her voice dripping with sweet sweet honey.

“Now children can anyone explain THIS?”

Teacher pointed to Madaline, and I don't know what she meant. She was just sleeping on the carpet. So as Annie raised her hand everyone looked at her until she was called on.

“Teacher I don’t get it Madaline is just sleeping,” Annie asked

“Plants don’t sleep, Annie. I am afraid that Madeleine is'' Teacher held back a sob “dead.”

I heard several gasps around me. How could this happen? I looked around and saw Liam sweating.

“Ummm huh umm teacher?” Liam stuttered 

“WHAT LIAM, YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? WE ARE IN MOURNING RIGHT NOW” Teacher roared with anger. How did this happen? Madeline was fine a few minutes ago, and I did not see anyone going up to the classroom. 

“YEAH actually umm I saw Jacqueline go into the classroom… an uh of yea! JACQUELINE KILLED MADELAINE!” Liam yelled. Everyone gasped, even me. I could not believe Liam was accusing ME of killing the class plant/Madaline. Plus she could have just died of natural causes.

“No, I did not!” I responded

“Yeah right and do you have anything to back up your statement? Plus you are ALWAYS causing trouble in my classroom.” Teacher said. I was so angry. How dare she take Liam’s side I am a straight-A student. Sure I have some issues with behavior but still.

“Well umm. You see I..” I squeaked. 

“She is guilty teach she can’t even come up with a lie,” Bruno said. I felt everyone staring probably thinking ‘I can’t believe it. Out of all people, Jackie killed her.’ and ‘what is she going to say?’ or even ‘she should go to jail’ The room started spinning and I almost fainted but I stood up straight.

“I will prove I did not kill Madaline the plant and I will find the killer.”

“Shouldn’t we call the police to handle this?” Weeping Willow said

And so my investigation began. I was only gonna ask 2 questions and then find the killer.

“So Liam what were you doing during recess?” I asked

“I was playing tag with Jhon all recess.” he scoffed

“Willow did you ever go inside during recess.” I politely asked

“Yes. But I swear I did not kill her. I just went for a box of tissues I swear!” Willow sobbed

I questioned everyone even the teacher but for John, I had different questions planned.

“So John. Liam is sad that he was with you all recess is this true?” I asked

“Well not completely” John started “I mean he did go to the restroom and never came back.” 

It was Liam. Liam killed Madaline and tried to blame me! Iran into the classroom kicking the door down and yelling.

“Liam killed the class plant!”

“Really and how do you know that Jackie?” Liam said

“Because there were only two people that went into the classroom during recess you and willow,” I said. Everyone turned to look at Liam and willow with shock on their faces.

“Willow told me that she went into the classroom for a box of tissues and as you can see there is no box right now. Meaning that the box of tissues should be by her tree. That only leaves you.”

“Ok fine I killed her. But I did not mean to, she looked dry so I watered her. Then when I picked her up I dropped her and now her soil is everywhere.” Liam started to cry. I saw how big fat tears ran down his face. I felt bad, maybe I shouldn’t have yelled it in front of everyone. I looked at the teacher and for a moment she looked nice.

“It is ok Liam. I know you had good intentions but lying about what you did is wrong.” Teacher said.

“I know and I am sorry Jackie. I am sorry Teacher” Liam apologized

“It is ok I’m sorry that I called you out in front of everyone. It was wrong of me.”

“Enough of that let us start math class! Liam, you need to bring a plant tomorrow ok?” Teacher said. Everyone pouted, I don't like math.

The rest of the school day was just me goofing around and causing trouble. In math, I refused to pay attention by picking up the soil from the carpet and, staring at the clock as time passed obnoxiously slowly.  In science class, we were using cookies. Well were until I ate them all. That was the last straw.

“I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE! I QUIT!” and the Teacher stormed off. Ding! DING! Ding! Finally, the bell rang and I can go home!

So as I step out of the classroom with my twin braids and puked red polka dot dress that was messed up I took the time to reflect on what happened today. ‘Next time a plant dies I want to be the one that kills it.’ I step into my mom's car again just as I did in the morning.

“How was your day Jackie?” my mom asked

“Meh, it was alright.” 

“What happened today, did you learn anything?” my mom showed me a smile

“Nope just a regular school day”

“Well, your teacher called and told me you killed a plant, ate 30 cookies, pushed a girl down the slide broke her arm AND, refused to do your work? What happened?” my mom asked

“I don’t know?” I responded

The author's comments:

I have no idea

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