FADED | Teen Ink


January 25, 2023
By lisaarkelian BRONZE, Willits, California
lisaarkelian BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I feel like I’m falling. I’m very dizzy. Wait, where am I? I was just in my car, now I’m here. I don’t know what happened. I feel different. I’m in town. Why am I in town?  It's really light out here though. Am I still me? How am I just here all the sudden? Maybe I passed out. I don’t feel panicked though. Why don’t I feel panicked? I can’t think of anything that could go wrong. Is that wrong? Okay so I’m in town which is weird cause I was just driving through here. I should just start looking around then. I see some people I know. Some are shopping at the grocery store, some are working. I see a girl I know working in one of my favorite clothing stores. I kinda want to go in but I need to figure out what’s going on first. This is very interesting. It’s weirdly calming and I feel happy with life. Am I still alive? Of course I’m still alive, how would I even die? I don’t feel anything but myself. I feel like me and somehow I am okay . I see people but I’m not sure they see me. I go into the clothing store and I ask the girl “what time is it?” She doesn’t answer me though, she just walks right past me as if I’m not there. That’s okay though because I think I’ve felt like that so much that it’s normal to me and it’s a safety. Like a wall that has been put up now but I’ve always felt that so why panic over it? I kinda like this, it feels almost comforting to know I can do whatever I want without people judging me. I look around the shop for a while but it’s kinda useless because I can’t buy anything if she can’t even see me. I could just take it. I honestly kinda want to because how would they know? Nevermind I can’t steal that’s wrong and I am not that kind of person. So I just leave instead. 

I start walking to the other part of town where people are doing everyday things. Nobody sees me, nobody notices when I walk by and I absolutely love it. I wonder if people will notice that I’m gone. It almost feels like I’m in a dream but It feels a little too real for that. Sometimes I do wonder what people would do if I wasn’t there anymore so I might as well go home and see what everyone is up to. I walk in the door and everyone is home so I walk into my room and change my outfit into something more comfortable since people won’t see it anyways. Now that I feel this way and I am in this place different from everyone else I don’t care. I don’t care what anyone says or thinks because they can’t see me and if they can’t see me they can’t judge me. So I am putting on this outfit and I am going to my school. I want to know how it feels to not care what people think. I do a full face of makeup only because it looks great to me and I’m alone. I pick out my favorite shoes and walk out the door.

I sometimes wish I could bring myself to be bold and do what I want but my mind won’t let me and I can’t figure out why. So I head to my school and walk through the doors in something I would never wear. I can’t talk to people which is honestly kinda boring but at least nobody is bothering me today. I don’t have that problem though because they can’t hear me. I carry on with my day as I walk into my school, I walk as if I don’t have any care cause I don’t, they can’t see or hear me. I walk into first period and I’m late but I don’t get scared of walking in alone cause again they can’t see me. My friends are all sitting there talking, probably wondering where I am but I’m right here. I do my work which is fairly easy and make my way to the door trying not to run into anybody because I don’t want to take the chance if there’s a possibility they could feel me. I make it down the hall and  go to the locker room and just sit there and think about what I’m going to do today. Now that I think about it I could just leave and finish the work later but what else would I do? I go to second and I’m instantly bored with the teacher so I call my friend. It goes straight to voicemail so I go look for her even though she won’t be able to hang out with someone she can’t see. I already know she’s skipping so I look for her car in the parking lot, but it's not there. I’ll just go to her house then. I get to her house and she’s there but she’s in her room. I walk down the hall and look inside. She’s crying. Why is she crying? She’s saying my name but obviously she can’t see me. She is crying and saying my name over and over again. I try to touch her but she doesn’t even notice me. I guess I am completely invisible to everyone but why is she so upset with me? Wait, why did I end up here? Hold on. Am I dead? I didn’t even think of that until now. Oh no, I have to go home. I give my friend a hug that she can’t feel. I walk to my house and in the front door and there they are. They're all freaking out. My mom is crying, my dad is holding her while tears well up in his eyes. My siblings are all crying. Wow. I am dead. How did I die? Wait where was I before I ended up here? I don’t understand, I was fine. Never sick, never in a bad situation. Did I kill myself? Did someone else kill me? My parents start to leave so I follow. They go to the hospital. I follow them to the front desk, then to a room. I’m laying there. That’s me. I’m not breathing. I look horrible, covered in blood and bruises. I’m dead. I started out here thinking this was better. I thought it was better. Isn’t it? I love it here. It makes me feel so much better about myself. I don’t even feel sad about the fact that I’m dead. I’m ok. I think.

The author's comments:

I'm in 9th grade 

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