Stroll through the woods | Teen Ink

Stroll through the woods

January 26, 2023
By Anonymous

The calming forest shines with golden light as a father and his son taking a stroll down the darkened path. A cool fall evening, with red leaves fallen on the ground and the sky lit up in a golden hue. Don’t be afraid to take a walk down whatever path life takes you because there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. The sun shines as bright and golden as a fresh jar of honey painted across the sky. Their walk may have started with low feelings, and needed a breath of fresh air. As the boys walked down the forested path the sun set just in time to get to the end and a new start. Branch covered path protects the father and son from the bad and radiates the good.

Their path in life may have not been easy, but taking a step back to reflect will never hurt. A father and his son needed to take a breather, Jake is in 4th grade and has had one of the most difficult years yet. From bullying, to feeling less than himself has taken a huge toll on him mentally and emotionally. Taking their walks through the calming forest nearby helps relieve all the stress. “I just don’t understand why I’m always the one who gets picked on?” Jake commented. Through all the trouble of the school year, his dad reassures him that tomorrow is always a new day. “Life will always throw challenges at you but never forget to keep your head up.” His Father replies. At the end of the trail they make their way back to the car to go home. Their minds are refreshed and ready for a new day. 

The author's comments:

I relate to this piece because I based it off of my experience through getting bullied when younger and only having a parent to rely on.  

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