Day of the Dead | Teen Ink

Day of the Dead

February 1, 2023
By 3hopwood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3hopwood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sky up above is turning dark grey, it's like the look in my mom's eyes the day that she died.

The world was big too big to imagine, the lights faded and there was nothing we could have done. 

I sat over in the corner hoping for a response but all I got was the small smell of my mom's perfume as they took her into darkness.

The days got a little better, day by day, but I'm not myself again. Im not sure I ever will be again.

The sky was blue, like the blouse my mom was wearing the day she passed. 

The grass was green, like the color of my mom's eyes when the sun hit them just right.

I could feel the wind, casting over my body; like my papa when he would go fishing.

The small little butterflies that would always come around, found their way into my house.

The sad thing is, my mom used to feed these little butterflies and now she's gone.

I make some sugar water and take a tiny sip, my mom used to let me when I would help her.

The days were warm, like the way my mama's heart was soft.

The sun was shining down on me like I had a million guardian angels.

I wish by now I would be ok, but the days are getting cold now and they are turning blue.

There is no one to help me, no one by my side, the clouds are grey and the house is black.

I feel like I'm in an endless circle, of mission and doubt, like the circle you run, but the one you can’t get out of.

I scream for help like someone would hear. My screaming sounds like a whistle in the wind.

No one can hear me, no one can help. So I sit here and wait. Like a rusty tin house.

The house that was abandoned and made out of tin, reminded me of me... Lost in the wind.

The doors were all gone, the windows smashed in, and the walls were collapsing about to break in. 

I feel the same as the rusty tin house because I am collapsing as well.

I need someone's help but no one can hear, I need someone's hand but there is no one near.

So I sit and I wait, like the sound of the rain, until someone comes by to give me a hand.

The rusty tin house will be my friend until the day I'm gone and he's left in the wind.

So I look at the sky and reach out my hand, and my mom was there saying I have a plan.

She gave me a smile and I gave her a smirk, and she grabbed my hand and we went away from earth.

The sky wasn't so grey, like the way my mom's eyes were. I could now see my mom's beautiful green eyes. 

The sky is blue and so is my mom's shirt, I am happy, I am great, and I am where I need to be. 

The author's comments:

this piece is supposed to show how close I am with my mom, we have a good bond and if anything eery happened to her I would want to be in heaven with her.

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