Braxtons Journey | Teen Ink

Braxtons Journey

March 2, 2023
By Anonymous

There was a kid named Braxton that grew up in Oklahoma he really didn't have anything. He barely had money and barely had clothes and would travel from hotel to hotel and stay there because his family is too poor to afford a house and they even struggle to afford food. 

One day at school he got picked on for the clothes he wears although he got picked on he was the best student and got good grades in every class.Also He didn't really have friends, he only had his brother. His brother is younger than him so they don't really hang out at school that often but his brother was his best friend, they basically did everything together. 

After school they always go to the gym to play basketball and lift Braxton and his brother would always play 2.V.S 2 and they would always be on the same team. One day after school the coach noticed Braxton and approached him and asked him to go to lifting Braxton decided to go but his brother didn't really feel like going Braxton was upset that his brother didn't go but Braxton still went anyway he started off with squat he really wasn't good at squats he only did 135 in squats he was really upset that he wasn't good at squats after squats he did deadlifts he didn't know how to deadlift so the coach told one of the veteran players to teach Braxton how to deadlift. Braxton finally found out how to deadlift and he was thrilled.

                       Later that night Braxton walked to the place he was staying he noticed his mom wasn’t home he looked all over the hotel and he even walked around the block to try to find his mom and tell her about his day. Later that evening his mom came back to the place they are staying and Braxton asked his mom “where were you” his mom didn't respond. Braxtons mom didn't want to tell Braxton where she was because she was afraid that he would be upset. She was out with a guy she met at her workplace and the reason why she didn't tell Braxton was because when Daxton was 10 years old his dad passed due to cancer and Daxton really loved his dad that’s what truly inspired him to want to play football.

  The next day Braxton went to football practice the coaches didn't know wether to put him in at running back or wide receiver because he was tall, skinny and fast they first put him in at running back he did all the practices at running back and they also put him at wide receiver and everything went well there to, the coaches came up with a solution  there was one thing he was better at being a running back than a wide receiver he was strong and he was hard to tackle he had a really good stiff arm.

    They were planning on putting him at 3rd string running back; he was fine with it as long as he was on the team. He started going to the gym more and he got stronger and stronger and at practice he was the best one there they ended up putting him as a starting running back. Finally practice was over its time for actual games. The coach gave a speech on how the team looked ready and they looked good.

  Finally on game day all the players go to the school to get picked up by the buses to go to the football game that's on the road. They arrive at the game and they all get out of the bus with a nervous look on their faces. They go to the locker rooms to get changed into their uniforms. Nobody talks as they change. Coach told them to sit down, the coach gave them a speech and tried to motivate them. 10 minutes later it's time for them to go out to the field, finally ready to play football.

  As they make their way out of the locker rooms Braxton tells everybody to huddle up they do he gives a motivational speech he say “listen guys we got this we look like where stronger and better and i want to win this for my mom ’ everybody started to cheer as they make there way down the field as the announcers announcing their names. The other team kicks the ball off someone returns it to the 35 coach says to Braxton ``alright kid it's your first game you ready” Braxton looks at him and says “yes coach i'm ready” Braxton goes out on the field and everyone cheers for him because they heard about his life story he looks up in the stands and sees his mom Braxton told himself  “ok i'm not nervous anymore i see mom” the offensive line, line up together on the line of scrimmage and the quarterback is right behind the center they snap the ball Braxton gets 5 yards on the run play. The next play they decided to throw it to their wide receiver and he got to the 45 yard line on the other side of the field. They  threw a touchdown to Braxton when he scored everyone cheered for him they were so excited to see him score. Braxton looks up in the stands and sees his mom cheering. Braxton started to tear up a little bit. Braxton and his teammates went back to the sideline and they all congratulated him. And now it was time for the defense to go out on the field and try to make a stop. They didn't end up stopping them from scoring a touchdown and an extra point the game was tied 7-7. And the offense gets the ball back there's 8 minutes left in the first quarter the offense runs out on the field at their 25 yard line they pass it down the field to Braxtons teammate he gets to the 35 for a 10 yard gain. They run the ball Braxton gets it to the 40 for only a 5 yard gain they threw it again he got the the 15 yard line. Braxton ran in for the touchdown, they kicked it for the extra point and it was 14-7. It was finally half time nothing happened during the last 8 minutes and nothing happened in the 2nd quarter it was still 14-7. 

 Braxtons team went on to score 2 more times while the other team only scored once. It was a blowout for Braxtons team, Braxtons team went on to win that game and they were 1 and 0 to start out the season. The next couple of games was rough for Braxton he only rushed for 50 yards in game 2 but game three he had over 75 rushing yards he leads the state in rushing yards and Braxtons team is 2nd in the state. In the 3rd game his teammates knew that Braxton was a really good player even the coaches knew.

  In game 4 there were 3 scouts at the game but Braxton didn’t know but his mom did but didn’t tell Braxton, so in game 4 Braxton had to put on a show in front of the scouts. The scouts were Alabama, Ohio state And LSU Braxton that day put on a good show for the scouts, after the game all the scouts wanted to interview Braxton about the game Braxton was really nervous his mom was also interviewed and asked about how proud she was of her son and asked her if its ok if they can take him out to there campuses she said yes Braxton got excited.

  Finally it’s the playoffs everyone's nervous coach gives a speech to all the football players everybody was fired up and was ready to play. It was a blowout for Braxtons team. That game determined whether or not if they made the playoffs they won the game so they got to go to the playoffs.

  Braxtons team won the first 2 games and were about to go to the state championship. This game determines whether or not Braxton gets a scholarship. The championship day Braxtons really nervous because he knows how important this game is. The game starts out 7-7 they both score but Braxtons team gets a stop and they score 14-7 then they score again 21-7. Braxton's team wins the championship game and Braxton gets a scholarship but he chooses Ohio State to resume his football career.

The author's comments:

Its about a boy who grew up from nothing to being the number one running back in the nation.

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