Forever My Best-friend | Teen Ink

Forever My Best-friend

March 13, 2023
By Anonymous

Sofia Gomez/Forever My Best-friend

It is the first day of high school, Junior year. The hallways are crowded with students. Everyone is meeting up with their friends. Why are they excited? 


It’s time for class. I look at my schedule, “What is this?”

Then, I suddenly bump into something. 


“Hey, you alright?” 

“Ow…”  I look up and see a male offering his hand. I stood up. 

“Sorry about that, I didn’t see you walking. Are you confused about the schedule?” He asks. 

“Yeah, I still can’t figure out where building 4 is, but are we next to room 35?” He looked at me, confused as if I had said something weird. 

“You are in building 4." he laughed.

I felt embarrassed…I looked at the clock, 8:25. I ignored his laugh and hurried to my class that was right next door. When I entered, all the seats were taken. I had to sit near the air vent. It was very loud.

 A person walks in, him? I never caught his name. He looked and passed right by me. We share the same class. 

“What a coincidence, nice to see you again” He waved. 

The bell rang again. The professor came on time, and the lecture started with the class being forced into doing a class discussion. 

My heart was beating as it was getting closer to my turn. I glanced back at him. He seems to be quiet and only talks when you do, but I shouldn’t make assumptions.  Then, it was my turn to introduce myself. 

“Please introduce yourself,” Says the professor. 

“Hi, my name is Angel. I am from California. I’m currently studying at Godinez Fundamental. I hope to become a doctor one day. I’m passionate about looking for new ways to learn and improve my abilities.” 

“Thank you for the introduction, nice to meet you.” 

I hear a familiar voice. 

“Hey everyone, my name is Devin. I recently came to California from my hometown in Marseille, France. Excuse me if my English isn’t so great, studying for 2 years now. My life goal is to finish school with a career I enjoy, and to help others.” He smiled.  

“Wonderful, I have never met anyone from Marseille, France. Thank you,”  the professor said, finishing off the class discussion with a few more students. 

Almost two hours had passed, class had finished, I never felt this tired and exhausted. If this is how I feel the first day, I wonder if I will even push through the rest of the semester.  

I walked down the hallway into the cafeteria. Surprisingly, the food does not seem so bad. The amount of people waiting to get lunch, makes me wonder how long this will take. Will there be any food left? 

I felt something poke me on the shoulder. I looked back, it was him, again. “Waiting for lunch?” I ask

“Mhm, the food doesn’t get any better. It is the same thing everyday, not sure why I even lined up.” He says while running his fingers through his hair. 

“Have you been here before?” I move forward as the line starts moving. 

“Plenty of times, this is my second year. I’m a Senior.” 

I was shocked, he is a Senior? 

“Your name is Devin, correct? Well, Devin, how was your first year” I asked while getting a plate to start putting food on.  

“My first year was stressful, the long lectures, and the work assigned. I was glad to figure out how to manage my schedule.” He also grabbed a plate, but the line was long gone. We talked and did not pay attention.  



It has been a few months since Devin and Angel became friends. Within those few months, they formed a small friend group. Including Angel, Devin, Ethan, and Michelle. The group frequently schedules study groups, in order to have a better understanding of each other, and what they are learning, by explaining questions. Both Ethan and Michelle go to different schools, they met Angel and Devin by volunteering at Godinez. 

“Hey Michelle, I was wondering if you would be down to play video games at Devin’s house?” Asks Angel. 

“If only I could. I have to finish these assignments before 11:59 PM. The exam is also next week, gotta study for that also. Sorry Angel, next week? I think I will be free.”  

“Yeah no problem! I will just ask Devin you can’t today. Oh yeah, do you know where Ethan is? He was supposed to be here already.” 

“Don’t know, have you texted him, or called?” 

“I think he fell asleep. Well, thanks anyways, see you tomorrow.” 

“Night, Angel” 

There was Angel and Devin alone, they played games as usual, it felt lonely without the others. Everything feels off. 

“Bet you can’t beat me in Mario Kart.” Devin laughs. 

“$12” At that moment, I regretted betting $12. In fact, I lost it. I can go broke anytime soon, knowing how much we play Mario Kart. 

“You suck, how long have we played this for? Can’t even remember the controls” 



“Man, how long has it been since we stayed up until the sun came out? Our lives became all boring once we started school.”  Devin says, while getting another bag of party size chips, to eat by himself. 

“Dude, that is your 3rd bag of chips. You’ll throw up sooner or later.” 

“Who says? I will be alright.” He giggles. 

The author's comments:

This book tells a story of two high school students They both end up as friends, as days pass, their friendship gets stronger. With more exciting things to come.

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