Precipice of Oblivion | Teen Ink

Precipice of Oblivion

August 20, 2023
By wlowman24 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
wlowman24 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A few short days remained until the gates fell. Scared whispers and impatient fidgeting filled the quiet hazy afternoon. It was as if anxiety crystallized into a single, tangible moment. Time ticked by and the whispers grew louder and the rustling intensified. But the air was still, like the calm before the storm. Memories of past joys and laughter momentarily overshadowed the encroaching dread. They were so real, as if one could escape into them, yet they vanished just as quickly. The final day arrived, like an impending storm. The intensity of the ringing became deafening. And then, nothing. Quiet.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the narration of what’s happening the moments before a nuclear explosion. 

I am a 17 year old writer who enjoys writing short stories.

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