In da Streets of Screwston | Teen Ink

In da Streets of Screwston

September 6, 2023
By Anonymous

In a neighborhood of Houston called The North Ward, known for being a dangerous place, was a twelve year old named Ademir who just escaped an orphanage. Ademir spent most of his childhood in the orphanage, but one day he realized he didn't want to stay there all his life, he wanted to go explore the city and its surroundings. After he escaped, he didn't have a home nor someone who he could stay with. So, Ademir had to survive like everybody in the streets. Ademir didn't knew anything about the life outside the orphanage and the place where he was at. To survive and adapt to the place he started watching and socializing with people in the hood. After weeks he made some friends, Franklin and Kylian, two boys in the same situation as Ademir. Also, an old man who was always begging for money at the corner of the main street of the hood. Ademir's lifestyle was different, surrounded by violence, drugs, and poorness. Every day he heard gunshots and the streets smelled like a plant that was sold illegally in the corner store. Four years passed, and he got used to the manner of stealing, participating in violence, and even the sale of plants, but he had to do it to survive. His friends who were like his brothers were always trying to find a way to get out of the hood, but looked impossible. They wanted to attend school and have an education as normal kids do. They asked the old man to adopt them, so they could go to school. The old man who was drunk all the time accepted and the boys took advantage of his state to falsificate his certificate and make the adoption official. They went to the nearest high school and applied, which got accepted right away. The next day they went to school for their first day. all cleaned and fit. The day before they had to shower at the river near the bridge separating North Ward and East Ward.  When they entered the school, it looked just like the hood. The restrooms smelled like the corner store that's close by from where they stay. And the hallways were controlled by people, like the streets. The walls in the school looked like the streets all written up with gang signs and names.There were always fights and the kids always had loudspeakers playing rap or hip-hop. Eventually, the three boys stopped going and started dipping school. They didn't even learn anything. so they went and explored all of Houston through the Metro station near the plaza. Ademir and his brothers decided to enter the rival neighborhood, The South Ward, and see how it was over there.  Franklin decided to write the name of their hood in the rival's neighborhood. After writing "North Ward" they heard a truck with loud hip-hop music going in their direction. It was the leader of the gang that controlled the South Ward, Daegon. Daegon was a person no one messed with. He's someone austere, violent, and cold-hearted, if anyone was in his way, he'd get rid of them with his pistol. When the boys realized who he was they started running to the metro station. Daegon viewed the graffiti and went after the boys angrily with his pistol in the left hand and the right one in the steering wheel. They safely escaped and went back to their place. Daegon with his tuned Cheyenne went to the North Ward and started looking for the boys. His visit to the north was not welcome by the leader of the gang in the north, Wayne. Both faced each other, but Daegon wanted to talk. Both Wayne and Daegon went to the nearest restaurant in the north and discussed about why Daegon was in the north. Daegon told Wayne some boys went to the South and painted graffiti of the North. Daegon threatened Wayne to give him the boys alive, if not he would start another war between the North and the South like some years before. Wayne was thinking about it and accepted that, with the condition there's not another conflict. Their heads were the most wanted in effect to the previous war that heald years before. The next day Ademir, Franklin, and Kylian went to school as any other day. Ademir for getting caught skipping classes got in school detention until 5 pm. School normally ends at 4, at that time some members from the north kidnapped Franklin and Kylian. The news went fast and the teacher told Ademir his brothers got kidnapped. Ademir ran to the place they stayed at and went in search of the old man, but he was also kidnapped. After 3 days, the police found 3 corpses by the train station. Ademir was broken, he stopped going to school and wanted to get revenge. Fortunately, the police caught Wayne in the corner store they operate. Wayne got charged with murder, drug traffic, and other charges the author doesn't know of. Daegon was killed by someone from his gang who betrayed him and took over the gang. The gangs were dismantled eventually. Ademir, to forget what he had lived lately, decided to walk around the city to distract himself. He saw the beauty of places like downtown, the parks, rivers, and lakes. But he also saw the people that lived like him in other parts of the city.  He had forgotten the reason why he left the orphanage. Now he'll try to change how he lives. Ademir would get a job, get a car, a house, anything he lacked when he was a kid. He wants to find his purpose in life. As well as help others like him and explore the beauties of da streets of Screwston

The author's comments:

This piece if not real, its all fiction.

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