The basketball story | Teen Ink

The basketball story

September 7, 2023
By danicab BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
danicab BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The basketball story


One evening, there was a Highschool basketball game. The home team is up by 30 and it is the 4th quarter. On the home team there is a girl named Ayla. She is 6 foot and 11 inches tall, on the opposing team there’s a girl named Bella, she’s 4 foot 11 inches tall. Ayla and Bella are  playing defense on each other, but they are trash talking one another.

“You can’t do a layup, I'll block your shot” Ayla says to Bella.

“Well you can’t shoot a three pointer without bricking” Bella responds.

Both of the girls coaches scream at the ref “TIME OUT, TIME OUT, TIME OUT”. 

The refs finally acknowledges them so now the game is at a pause while the coaches are trying to calm their player down because if they don't want it getting too bad to where they get a technical foul. The coaches don't want them to get a tech because they are the best on the team so the coaches need them on the court to play. By the time the timeout had ended both players are calmed down. The clock is running, it is the last minute of the game. The trash talk starts right back up.

“ You’re not going to make a basket” Ayla says. 

The suspense is adding up everyone in the stands are on their feet, quite waiting to see what’s about to happen next. All the teammates on the court stops playing and moves away from Ayla and Bella. Even the players on the bench are also on their feet and quiet.

“Don’t doubt me” states Bella.

“GASSSPPP” is what we all hear from the crowd and players.

Everyone is in shock and ready to know what’s about to happen next…

With ten seconds left on the clock, Ayla has her hands as high as possible ready to block Bella’s shot. The next thing you know there’s a bright flash and that big flash nearly blinds everybody in the gymnasium. But what the crowd and players didn’t see was Bella stretched out real big and on her back she had wings begin to grow from out of her shoulder blades. She's happy because she knows what is about to happen next. The bright white and yellowish light finally fades away, all of the animosity is building up because of all the trash talk. Half of the crowd is rooting for Ayla while the other half is rooting for Bella .Everyone looks up in the air to see Bella with her magical wings. Bella flies over Ayla, she dunks the ball into the basket.

“Oops I thought I couldn’t make a bucket” Bella says to Ayla.

Ayla is in such a shock and she’s super embarrassed to where she runs out of the gym. The whole crowd is going wild, screaming from every direction, the away team has now won the game. They come running onto the court running and cheering for their teammate, surprised and happy about what had just happened.

At the end of the day Ayla had finally realized that she should not trash talk anyone because she doesn’t know what kind of power they can do.

The author's comments:

it is interesting 

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