Revenge | Teen Ink


September 8, 2023
By IsabelGarcia2 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
IsabelGarcia2 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
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Once upon a time, there was a man named Andrew Johnson who was a victim of gang violence. With all the grief and anger built up he was determined to seek for revenge. Andrew’s desire for justice steered him to a vengeful path that will make the gang member pay for the pain he had caused him. 

It all started on February 1, 2001, when he was just 7 years old. He lived in a dangerous neighborhood with a dad being a part of that. Since his dad wasn’t always around it was just Andrew and his mother in a small two-bedroom house. Andrew and his mother were eating dinner until suddenly, they hear banging on the door. When his mother realized what was going on, she quickly reached over for Andrew and hid him in a closet where he couldn’t be seen. Since Andrew was a rebellious kid, he couldn’t help but to look for a split second and noticed the banging on the door were two large men with guns and tattoos forcefully coming in and executing his mother while she tries to fight for her life.

After shots were fired the gang members heard sirens so they had no other choice but to leave knowing the kid was still somewhere inside. Once the members left the cops showed up and took Andrew outside where he couldn’t see the body of his dead mother. The next day the Police had Andrew inside the station for questioning but all they could get out of Andrew was the noise of gunshots and the screams coming from the living room. Finally, when the questioning was done the police then proceeded to inform Andrew that his dad had also died that day by the same gang. Since the cops couldn’t find anything on the gang members the case turned cold.

As Andrew got older the desire for revenge grew stronger. At age 20, he was an autonomous person with a life of boxing and could shoot directly at a target 5 times in a row. Andrew couldn’t rest knowing the gang member is still out there roaming freely while he’s stuck with the memory on re-peat, so he created a plan and a team who had also suffered at the hands of the same gang. Andrew then formed an alliance with them by their shared pain and thirst for vengeance. They then found out the members who killed all their families were all sent by the same guy they call Rio.  Him and his team then decided the best way to get rid of Rio was to destroy the one thing he held very dear to his heart, his business.

Andrew’s team decided to hunt down where Rio had his business hidden because not only did, they want to destroy his business, but they also wanted to destroy him. The team quickly realized there was always a drop being made by the neighborhood by the same gang, so they got in their car and started following. The team knew the member would never go to the place of business because that would be too easy. So instead, they waited once the member made a quick stop to break in the car for his cell phone and license plate. Once they got what they needed they headed back home where they could go over the plan a little more. When they were able to hack into the phone, they started searching for anything that might lead them to Rio, but they had no luck. The only thing they did find was a list of numbers that looked like a list of house buyers and a strange contact number being in a call no longer than 5 minutes. The team decided to call the number and see who it led to. surprisingly someone picked up, but it wasn’t long until they hung up realizing it wasn’t the guy who owned the phone that called. Since one of the members of Andrew’s team is an incredible hacker, they were able to trace the phone where it had been answered.

When they were able to get the location, they immediately went to go check it out. The location ended up being an abandon warehouse with no one inside. Andrew then started driving around for clues of where they might have gone next. After 5 to 10 minutes of driving Andrew quickly realized he had recognized some of the guys who were outside the warehouse smoking marijuana. The two men standing outside the warehouse had some graphic tattoos that brought him back the memory of his mom’s death. He then decided to wait and follow the two men to see where they would end up. As soon as the two men got to their location Andrew and his team knew exactly where Rio and his business were located at.

When the whole team went back to re-group and plan their attack the team began to question the true meaning of revenge. They wondered if there was a better way to find closure and bring about justice. They instead decided to go in their car to the destination and take pictures of the area and show the cops all the info they found on Rio’s gang. As soon as the police were given all the info they headed straight to the location, with Andrew beside them. Immediately the cops showed up at the building knocking down the door with guns in their hands screaming for them to get down on the ground. Andrew decided to go inside with a gun on his back in case he ever saw him. Suddenly when Andrew headed inside, he was the first person to come face to face with Rio. The anger and hatred that had fueled him for so long came rushing back. But as he stared into the eyes of the enemy, a realization struck-killing Rio wasn’t going to bring back his mother or heal his wounds.

Andrew then extricated himself out of the situation and called out for help. The cops began detaining Rio and all his members to be taken to the police station for an investigation. With a newfound sense of clarity, Andrew and his team chose a different path. Instead of seeking vengeance, they decided to use their experiences to fight against the cycle of violence and help others who had suffered similar loses. Andrew then became an advocate for justice, dedicating his life to making a positive impact and preventing others from experiencing the pain he had endured.

And so, Andrew’s story transformed from one of revenge to one of redemption and healing. Through his journey, he discovered that true strength lies not in seeking revenge, but in finding the courage to rise above evil and create a better world.

The author's comments:

This article is not only for entertainment but also for awareness

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