Old Redemption | Teen Ink

Old Redemption

September 20, 2023
By Anonymous

Out under a scorching during the 1800’s was a small town masked in dirt. Rumbling was heard getting louder. THUD DA DA DA THUDDA. Until an impetus gang had rode into town kicking the dirt everywhere. They marched to the sheriff's jail house and the leader yelled “GEEEEET OUT HERE SHERIFF!!”. The sheriff. The sheriff slowly but boldly stepped outside to confront him. He townsfolk hiding, the sheriff preparing, the standoff was about to begin.  Then the gang leader suddenly raised his head “well I'll be damned. Is that you John?”. The sheriff's hand hovered to his holster. 

    “Been a long time Bill '' the sheriff said. “John ill makes this easy for you for old times’ sake just give us Davey.” “fraid I can't do that Bill”. The outlaws stared deep into the sheriffs’ eyes when they should have been looking at his hand. In the blink of an eye he drew his iron and six shots were fired for all six men only grazing Bill same can't be said for the others. Before the bodies even touched the floor Bill rushed to his horse. “I'LL BE BACK JOHN I PROMISE!!!”. The townsfolk slowly emerged from hiding. The sun started to rest and the silence was unbearable. Five bodies laid out in the mud road smoke still flowing from the sheriff's revolver.” He began to start dragging the bodies to the back of the jail house and everyone went back to their business.

          Once he finished, he returned inside and sat down in his chair.” HAHAHAHA well damn John, I guess you always had the best shot.” Said an annoying jail bird. “Shut up Davey,” said the sheriff grumpily “and it's Arthur, now John's dead, you guys left him to die, remember?”. “Then tell me Arthur” Davey said sarcastically “was that Arthur or John out there shooting your old brothers in arms?” He asked while chuckling. That life died with John he's in oblivion. “No no no because I'm still here to remember the frivolous John Morgan.” “Not for long,” Arthur replied. “One more word and John might hang you early,” Davey grumbled under his breath.

          A few days later John sat in his chair, Davey sitting bored. “Todays the day” said Davey “yes, it is, hangman should be here any minute now” “HAHA you really think bills just going let it happen you're a damned fool.” “Bill was always a garrulous fool who never knows when to quit he can try” then suddenly a boy walked through the door “Sheriff the hangman's here “Arthur nodded and began to unlock the cell. He walks Davey to the noose and began to start the sentence just before he can start, he hears it “THUD DA DA DA THUDDA” the rumbling can only mean Bill he prepared. Bill and five others rode into the hanging “well John seems your lucks run out,” his eyes were icy. ‘” This time I won’t miss Bill” I am not so sure about that John.” They all hover over their pistols and wait so quietly that all you could hear was Davey’s hard breathing from the tight noose. Then suddenly Arthur fires the first shot gunning down two of the men before they could hit him, he shuffles behind Davey who was soon riddled with bullets and filled with lead “NOOOO” Bill screamed “YOU USELESS IDIOTS!!!”  Bill yelled at his henchmen but before he could look back, he felt cold not just cold freezing he couldn’t move his legs he was looked in place he looked back up and viewed his dead gang then looked down. All he saw was red “you shoot me… you shoot me pretty good” he then tries one more desperate attempt to shoot but as soon he lifts his arm” BANG BANG BANG” all that could be heard after was a body hit the floor. Looking at his once leader and friend all he felt was guilt “is this enough to redeem myself” “no he thought” all that was left at the massacre was a sorrowful man trying to correct his mistakes.

The author's comments:

i really love storys like this i can picture every scene in my story only thing its missing is music.

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