Sleepover with Andriana. | Teen Ink

Sleepover with Andriana.

September 22, 2023
By Anonymous

When me and my best friend, her name is Andriana were younger. Around the age of 8 and 9 her mom threw her a birthday party and she invited me and a couple more of her other friends. My mom decided to stay for the party activities and said we would leave after, but I had other plans. So me and my best friend made a plan to ask my mother could I sleepover before she decided to leave. We were so anxious and nervous to ask because we didn't know what her answer would be. We ran downstairs to ask her and she proceeded to say "we'll see". Before she got ready to leave me and Andriana were on our best behavior. M.O.T.S(moral of the story), she let me stay over for the entire weekend.

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