The Duncan Disaster ( A 101 Word Story) | Teen Ink

The Duncan Disaster ( A 101 Word Story)

October 11, 2023
By Anonymous

Miss Duncan dashed down the stairs to find her son on the sofa, engrossed with the blue tank engine on the television. “DUSTIN! TURN THAT OFF! GET READY FOR SCHOOL! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE!” She burst into the kitchen in a mad dash for her purse. Arriving late to work again this week would definitely mean trouble with her boss. She fumbled for her keys, leaped into her minivan, and took off towards Brooks Elementary. She raced down Rod Street and sped down Sherms Avenue before whipping into the parking lot. However, when she turned around, Dustin wasn’t in the backseat.

The author's comments:

This is a 101 word story I wrote for an assignment in my Creative Writing class.

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