Rainy Night in London | Teen Ink

Rainy Night in London

November 3, 2023
By taelin33 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
taelin33 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was about 7:00 PM at night and my parents and I were walking around the bustling city of London. When I think of London, one of the first things that pop into mind is the gloomy weather. Although it was summer, it was about 60 degrees and everyone was dressed in warm clothes. Seeing people in thick sweaters, uggs, and jeans gave me a sense of warmth. 

It felt as if it was going to rain any minute as it was always cloudy in London; my parents carried umbrellas just in case. After the sun had set, we started to feel tiny droplets of water falling from the hazy sky. Large clouds seemed to be coming towards us, giving us a sense of foreboding for the rainy weather. Consequently, umbrellas were opened, people wanting to escape this rain. The rain began to intensify; people took out their jackets, and shops near us turned on their heaters. My parents and I hurriedly went into a nearby cafe and my parents ordered warm espresso. When I looked outside the window, there were small puddles scattered everywhere, as the rain made the pool of water splash. Nevertheless, as time went on, the rain started to come to an end. The rain, which seemed to be going on forever, finally ended. People put away their umbrellas and went on with their lives as if nothing had happened. 

The author's comments:

This summer, I visited London and in this set piece, I played around with imagery to portray the rainy weather and the dark atmosphere of London. I began this story by describing the cold, gloomy weather and introduced the setting. There are no dialogues in this story as this set piece is plainly describing the weather and my thoughts. I used hyperbole by saying “seemed to be going on forever”. 

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