First Time Seeing Snow | Teen Ink

First Time Seeing Snow

November 3, 2023
By Anonymous

As the young girl stepped outside, her heart skipped a beat, her eyes widened in awe at the breathtaking  snowy paradise. The air was crisp, with white, fluffy flakes falling from the sky, resembling millions of little feathers that gently floated down to earth, each with their own intricate pattern craft exclusively for her. She extended her hand, as a perfect snowflake landed gently on her palm. With every breath, her exhalations appeared like clouds of steam in the chilly air. The typical sounds of the familiar neighborhood seemed to have been muffled, as though everything had been covered in a strange, fluffy white blanket. The trees that were once adorned with colorful leaves now hold a weighty crown of snow. The smallest branches of the tree were covered in hoarfrost, almost like tiny white leaves have sprouted, turning the once vibrant tree into a pale icy wonder. She looked around, everything stood completely still, as if time itself stopped, allowing her to immerse herself in the pure moment that she would remember forever. Suddenly the sound of faint laughter broke the silence. She turned to see a group of children playing in the snow together, their giggles muffled by the powdery snow. Captivated by the moment she felt a tug in her heart, a sense of belonging and nostalgia hit her. With a rush of excitement she ran towards the children, with the cold seeping through her boots she joined them. Their collective joy echoed through the air blending seamlessly with the sound of the falling snow. 

The author's comments:

I attempted imagery and mood to describe the magical feeling of seeing snow for the first time. I wrote this in a 3rd person perspective so that you can interpret her inner thoughts and feelings rather than having me narrate them. 

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