The Tree Outside | Teen Ink

The Tree Outside

November 4, 2023
By SidRajan BRONZE, Cupertino, California
SidRajan BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A tree, one singular tree was all that was left. The tree, a place standing upon many memories and emotions. It stood like a lone wolf, waiting to be saved, slowly withering away. All that was left was the smoke, enveloping the world I once called home, hiding it away from me. As my world seemed to come to an end. My family, people who I had spent my whole life with,  just wither away. Future memories, experiences, burned to a crisp, with nothing left of them. But, the tree, something I had never truly noticed before, seemed to stand tall in the midst of all this. Its long dark stem seemed to pierce through the world. Perhaps, this fire had still left a part of my life untouched . As I felt the wind blow through my hair, I heard the branches rustle, and the chirping of birds that followed. As I looked towards the sound, in the midst of all the smoke and ash, I saw a home of oak, and leaves, housing a family that stood  tall and proud.

The author's comments:

In this set piece, I try giving the tree in the story, human characteristics. I use lines to try and express its emotions, like that of a human. I describe the tree as lonely, and standing by itself.  I also tried to advance my piece, by using more advanced metaphors and smilies. I state the main character's memories, burn away, and that the tree was piercing through the world.  Furthermore, I tried  to use symbolism in the story as well. I represented the tree as his home, and the birds in the last line represent his family.

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