A Real Friend? | Teen Ink

A Real Friend?

November 13, 2023
By Anonymous

Have you ever known something you shouldn't? Well I know I have a lot of things not meant for me. It all started yesterday. I had a sleepover. It was going to be the best of the year. Now me and this friend had a flaky time but it was getting better. We had somewhat of a fall out because of change and new people. Let’s just say she hated me “I didn’t know at the time”. So her name is Julie and the other person is John ``Her boyfriend”. Now I am not saying it was John’s fault but we were fine before. Now at the time me and John were not friends but didn’t hate each other “Except he didn’t like me, probably still doesn’t”. So back to the house it was weird she was fine but maybe she was off “I couldn't tell”. So when we were in the basement she went to the bathroom, I heard something or someone? So me being a curious dummy, I looked . It was a burn book which is weird, because those are just in movies right? Well maybe I was wrong so I opened it. It was a burn book. The first name was Haliee Berns, but that's my name! So the rest of the night I couldn't stop seeing my name in red pen on that page. I was even more curious, so when Julie fell asleep I looked at her phone. I searched my name on her phone and saw her talking about how much she hated me and even my name with a dead emoji. She talks bad about me the most with John. So now I have something on my mind. Do I tell her I invaded her privacy or scene last year a don’t worry about it and hope she won’t keep doing it.

The author's comments:

So I just watch mean girls and wanted to make a story just like it. So what do you think Hailee should do?

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This article has 1 comment.

Missartist said...
on Nov. 21 2023 at 7:33 am
Missartist, Ricmond, Ohio
0 articles 1 photo 3 comments
This is interesting I don’t know what the character should do maybe just forgive her but it cracked me up when I heard burn book😝