The River | Teen Ink

The River

November 13, 2023
By Anonymous

“Olivia? Olivia?” Unresponsive I stay in my thoughts, hypnotized. How could she have done this? done something like that? I spiraled. Became stuck. Everything from then on was lifeless and dull

At that moment I felt like a fish stuck under a rock in a river, placed at the bottom covered in mud. The fishes flow through the water with ease jumping, being happy a glimmer on their scales. They were almost perfect but they weren’t, I knew that but it still felt like they were perfect. While they stay happy I stay stuck at the bottom of the river. In the river there were things worth seeing that I was never going to because I was stuck under this rock. Stuck.The beautiful weeds that I’ll never see. The snails slowly move over the rocks unaware. The water is so clear but not in my eyes. For me it's foggy, almost opaque. Everybody moves on but I stay stuck. Days go by, the water still flowing down the line but I stay there. Stuck. The other fishes pass on by. I wish to be the fishes. If only someone could see me under the rocks. Jealous because I’m stuck, stuck forever it seems. But If only one fish could see me stuck and help me out. Seems like it’ll never happen will it? So there I stay. Will someone find me? I can't seem to push myself out, out of this rut. I try to push myself out but still I stay stuck forever it seems until someone finds me.

But then they found me, other fishes flowed by but they came to me. But why? Why did they come to me? I was stuck and everyone passed me but why did they find me? Why did they come to me? Was this all just a fever dream, a muse? All the fishes passed by but they stuck with me. Were they just going  to leave me like every other fish? The thing is they didn’t. They stayed and they helped me out. For me the path stayed unclear and foggy but the fishes were there with me and they stayed there with me. So there we swam together through the water and finally, I was unstuck.

The author's comments:

This piece is in the mind of a girl named Olivia who is going through a hard time in her life. In the set piece I tried to use a metaphor where fish are people, the river is live, and the rock is the struggle of anxiety, depression, and procrastination. I also tried to use repetition which is when you repeat a phrase or word multiple times. I did this with the word “stuck”. One part I liked in my set piece is the sentence “The water is so clear but not in my eyes” meaning for other their path in life is so clear but not for me which I think people can relate to.

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