Trick or Treat | Teen Ink

Trick or Treat

November 20, 2023
By EvieMoumoutjis BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
EvieMoumoutjis BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

It is Halloween night and Lily and Taylor are in Salem, MA for trick or treating this year. It is going to be a special night for them since Salem is very spooky on Halloween. They are wearing matching outfits. Lily is wearing a sparkly dark blue tutu, dark blue fairy wings, and a dark blue wig. Taylor is wearing a sparkly light green tutu, light green fairy wings, and a light green wig. They are going as fairies! They go to a couple houses and get a lot of candy.  

They walk into the center of Salem and see that caramel apples are being given out. They go over and buy one for each of them. Lily takes a bite and tastes the sweet drippy caramel sauce. They start to go to more houses when all of the sudden, Taylor feels something being thrown at her. She looks down to see a fun size Snicker on the ground. She brushes it off thinking that someone must have just dropped it since there are a lot of people around. 

While they are walking down the street with very few people around them, Lily feels something being thrown at her. She looks and sees a Kit-Kat on the ground. She knows this wasn’t just someone dropping their candy since there was no one near them. She knows someone must be throwing candy at her. She tells Taylor and Taylor tells her that the same thing happened to her but with a Snickers. They decide to just not say anything and if it happens again, they will go look for the people who are causing it. 

They go to another house and their bags are getting full with candy. They are about to go to their last three houses when Lily gets hit yet again, with another piece of candy. This time it was a bag of gummy bears. She just rolled her eyes and kept going. Right after she got hit, Taylor gets hit too! She gets hit with a 3 Musketeer. They are now both getting fed up and mad. They decide to go home since they both aren’t very happy. 

They start to walk home when all of the sudden, Lily gets hit in the head with a Jaw Breaker! She stumbles around and falls down. 

“Oh my god! Are you okay?” says Taylor in a panicked voice. She offers Lily her hand and pulls her up

“Yeah, I’m okay. But let's go find these jerks!” Lily says. 

They start running to where the candy has been coming from. They go into the dark eerie woods and hear a rustling sound in the bushes. 

“Who's there?” Lily shouts. 

The bushes rustled some more before two boys about their age come spriting out giggling. Lily and Taylor dart after them. They see the boys suddenly stop and they start to slow down. When they get a little closer they see a huge bunch of trees blocking their path to go any farther. 

They no longer see the boys anymore. Where could they have gone? 

They start to look around to see if there is any opening but all they see is darkness. Taylor takes her phone out and turns on the flashlight and so does Lily. They split up to see if they could find an opening. Taylor points her phone at the trees. She saw the tall, dark, long branches of the trees. She points the phone at the ground. The dirt is starting to be covered up by orange pine needles. She sees footsteps leading to a small opening in the trees. She signals Lily to come over and shows her what she found. They both look at each other a little scared since they are going into a dark, tiny, opening into the woods at night. 

They give each other a nod and start to head in. They are staying close to each other, scared. They stopped in their tracks when they hear a noise to the left of them. Taylor points her flashlight to where the noise is coming from. She sees the two boys snickering next to each other. Lily speaks first. 

“Hey! Were you two throwing candy at us?” Lily says in a stern voice.

“Uhmm” says one of the boys.

“What are your names?” Taylor asked.

The other boy spoke, “My name is Anthony and this is Cameron”. 

“I’m Taylor and this is Lily. So are you going to tell us why you were throwing candy at us?” Taylor questioned. 

“We were just messing around, trying to have some fun,” says Cameron. 

“Well that was not cool at all. We want an apology!” Lily says madly. 

“We're sorry. We just wanted to have some fun," said Anthony remorsefully.  

“ I guess we will forgive you guys,” Taylor says, giggling. 

“Do you guys want to come trick or treating with us?” asks Cameron.

The girls look at each other.

“Yes, we would like that,” says Lily.

They go out of the woods and start to trick or treat again.

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on Dec. 14 2023 at 11:22 am
Campbell16 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I like this post. Thank you for sharing.