Lambant | Teen Ink


February 27, 2024
By FlNCH PLATINUM, Scituate, Massachusetts
FlNCH PLATINUM, Scituate, Massachusetts
25 articles 8 photos 1 comment

(adj) softly bright or radiant

He was like the moon. he wasn't harsh, like the sun, he glowed, and let out only enough light to see your way. He was quiet, solitary, sweet. He was comforting, caring. He was a hidden treasure, and he was mine. i met him in middle school, 8th grade. i was new, and sat alone in classes and at lunch. until he greeted me, a soft "hello," on a rainy Monday morning. and he did that every day, and eventually our small talk wasn't so small, hours spent conversing over anything and everything. we only really had each other, but we were fine with that. in a way, i wanted to keep him to myself. he was my moon, my stars; soft, but important.

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