The Sibling Trip To The Cat Islands | Teen Ink

The Sibling Trip To The Cat Islands

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

My siblings and I had decided to go on a trip to the Bahamas. It’s somewhere we had all really wanted to go to, and we finally had the time and money to get ourselves there for a whole week. It was just for a small vacation, so I wasn’t worried about much because I knew that it wouldn’t be anything that I couldn’t handle. 

We packed our bags, I had the least amount of things, I guess I travel lightly compared to other people I know. God, boarding the plane took forever, it was my first time in an airport so that didn’t help. Food and drinks in there are so expensive, why are they so expensive!? Whatever, that’s not the point of this. We boarded the plane and the sights from that high in the sky, oh my god, let me tell you. You can see all of the cities, the lights, the clouds too. The clouds would sometimes cover the city lights but even the clouds were beautiful from the plane, so I couldn’t complain. I had fallen asleep to one of the in-flight movies they provided and woke up to having landed. 

Once we were in the Bahamas, I saw a lot of the tourists who seemed ecstatic to be there. Maybe they waited a lot longer to go on this trip than we did. My brother Ziggy immediately asked Naia, my sister, to take pictures of him and his outfit now that we had landed. Naia took his photos and then we were off to our house. We booked the manor house in the Cat Islands of the  Bahamas for a six-night stay. It was 7,074$ to book it for that long, but I’m happy that we managed to save up and go. I had convinced Naia and Ziggy to go to The Cat Island because it’s known for its feral cat population and I absolutely love cats. 

The manor house is stunning. It has four king bedrooms, fully fitted with their own AC systems and open-air showers. It can accommodate up to eight guests in those rooms. It also has a wonderful kitchen, it’s big and has an island that functions as a bar as well. The common area is also large and it’s the perfect place for a vacation. The best part about The Manor House? Well, I would say the best feature is that it’s directly on the beach. That means I can wake up and go spend the day lounging around in the sand or the ocean.

We had to go to the store to get some food for the week, and after that we spent our second day on the beach. The sunrise was gorgeous against the ocean water and the sunset was just as amazing. My only problem during our trip was that it was somewhere that I wasn’t familiar with, so I easily got overwhelmed around day four. This made my siblings get angry with me, they yelled about how I wasn’t enjoying this trip that we spent thousands on and I shouldn’t have come if I wasn’t going to enjoy it. I tried to hide how overwhelmed and drained I was on day five, and we all went to the beach and hung out. We played in the water, we built sandcastles, and we lounged around on the beach chairs as we tried to tan. It was fun, sure, but it was still a lot of energy. Later that night, they tried to drag me out of my room again, but I refused. This made them angry again and I finally snapped at them. I remember yelling about how I’m not as energetic as them and that I needed time to rest and be away from them. They were irritated with me, but ultimately left me alone. I sat on the beach under the moonlight. The beach at night out there is so pretty. I wish I could show you all some photos of it. The soft waves reflected the light and you could see the cats that the islands were known for wandering around more at night since there wasn’t as much traffic. They let me pet them, I guess they had become accustomed to humans and their presence since so many tourists visit here every year. 

I laid on that beach for… I think hours before finally getting up and going back to my room. I was tired and drained, but definitely less overwhelmed now that I had taken that time to just rest and listen to myself. If you’re susceptible to getting overwhelmed, you may need some time for yourself too, so I suggest lying on the beach. It helped me, and I hope if you get overwhelmed, it can help you too. Anyway, the next morning I apologized for snapping, and my siblings apologized for making me do things that I wasn’t able to at the moment. 

On day six, we went to a restaurant. Everyone there was so nice and they all dressed like we were on the beach, mostly because we pretty much were on the beach. We managed to talk to some other people, they said that they had also rented out The Manor House for some time a few years ago and that they loved it to death. They were sad they couldn’t rent it this year, but since we were all hanging out, we invited them to the house. They accepted it and bought us food and drinks as a thank you. We partied together, having dinner and drinks together in the kitchen. After they left, I picked up some of the house while my siblings went and showered. I showered after them and then we all fell asleep.

Day seven, was our last day. We checked out of The Manor House and brought all of the food we had acquired through the week to a public beach so we could spend our last day before our flight home later that night. We ate food, played in the water, and tanned on the sand like the other days in the Cat Islands. We took our flight home and that was that. Now let me tell you some things about this amazing place. 

The food there is a lot of seafood because it’s on the beach, but you can get other things too. I was able to get some homemade pizza while my siblings ate fish and crab. I tried their crab, it was pretty good but just not for me. If you don’t like seafood, I think you should definitely plan ahead and find foods that you like that are around your area or go to a store where you can get your own food. The weather was humid and cool. It was never really hot, but it did get warm because of the sun. There was some cloud cover, but not enough to block out the sun from our beach adventures. The people there were all friendly and we didn’t have any bad experiences so I hope you don’t either. Just remember to pack sunscreen, light clothes, maybe a light jacket, and whatever things you need for however long you’re staying. I recommend this trip and think everyone would enjoy it as long as they have the money and time to go.

Okay, bye, everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed the story about my trip to the Cat Islands in the Bahamas, and I hope to hear stories from you if you have ever been to the Bahamas as well! 

The author's comments:

I was encouraged to write a travelogue for my class, but I haven't gone anywhere, so I was allowed the alternative of writing for somewhere that I want to go.

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