Best Friends... | Teen Ink

Best Friends...

December 4, 2009
By Anonymous

Chapter 1: The letter never sent...

Dear Boys,
You two are the very best friends a girl could ever have.Yes, even though we got into a fight before we all left for college, I still love you two very much.I apologize for the way I acted, and hope that you'll be able to forgive me in the future.I love you, and that is one thing that even time can't change.

Love your best friend,


The letter held all my feelings and more, I had meant to send it. In fact I really really wanted to send it to them, but it just wasn't worth it. I folded the letter up neatly, and slid it into my jeans pocket, and grabbed my grey sweater from my bed, and started off on my journey to the Crown.

Chapter 2: The Crown

As children, my two best friends and I had found the perfect hiding place/fort, that we could play on, without our mothers getting worried.Its technically the tallest hill in our town, but it got its name from the circle of trees on the top of it that form a "Crown" when you're looking at it from below. It was great in every season. It was very pretty and full of life in the spring, it kept us cool in the summer, it provided us with endless fun in the fall, and we used the hill for sledding in the winter. What more could a kid need, Right? Wrong, There were only 3 things missing from this perfect fort. A tire swing, a tree house, and a picnic table. Even though the parents said to use our imagination, we went right on ahead and built the for anyways, because we figured we needed it. And to this day, I still say that we were smart children, because it comes in handy for me alot.

Chapter 3:Disposing of the letter

I had finally made it up to the hill, everything was as we had left it four months ago, when everyone went off to college, Except, now everything was covered in red and yellow leaves.Before I disposed of the letter, I decided to revisit childhood memories. I started over to the old swing, even though I was probably alittle too big for swings, I decided to get on and try it out anyways. I looked around, as I went back and forth, and everything started coming back to me...

Chapter 4: Memories...

I was about 4 when all three of us met at our mothers' book club meeting. I was probably the more shy one, but I'll be damned that the two little boys that wore matching blue overalls, and white shirts underneath, grabbed my attention. They were building stuff with oversized cardboard building blocks, and pretending they were "Pirates". It seemed so realistic and fun, that even me, the shyest of kids, went over to check it out. It ended up being that the three of us had a full scale battle pretending to be pirates, and becoming the three amigos as our parents called us. We were inseperable.

Chapter 5: The broken tree house

Call us crazy, but being only 9, we built the little tree house, that now stood in the center of crown hill.It was pretty big,and roomy,we had painted it bright orange,with red polka dots, and carved our initials into the front door. It stood about five feet high, and was probably seven feet long.It had two little windows, and looked perfect to us at the time.Without wasting anymore time, I opened the little door of the cottage, and walked in. Everything was just how we left it, except for the two letters propped up against the cracked vase on the little wooden table on the other side of the room.

Chapter 6: The letters

I sat down on the little wooden chair, and opened the first letter, it was from Brian.

Dear sweet-cheeks,
I can't leave for college without knowing that you'll forgive us. Although I'm not sure what for, because the fight was mostly your fault.Haha, joking!!! Calm down. I am truly sorry for what I did.You know I love you.

Your best friend (that loves you more that John),


I started to open the next letter.

Dearest Molls,
I am sorry. I love you. You're my very best friend. Thats about it. Its sums up everything...



I loved both letters. No matter how many word were written on the page, they both showed my, that I had the two most wonderful best friends in the whole wide world.

Chapter 7: The unexpected guests

I sat at the little table, clutching the letters to my heart.I was so stupid and stubborn. The boys had hearts of gold.Why wasn't I blessed with one? I wished that they were here, next to me, telling me that they loved me no matter how stupid, and stubborn I was. And as if they could ready my mind, the popped in through the door. We didn't have to say anything. We had already said enough...

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