Innocent | Teen Ink


April 1, 2010
By Jessica Hitz GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jessica Hitz GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yelling. Screaming. Crying. A little innocent girl scared of her own mother. No love or support. Huddled in the corner of her dark closet, the only place she feels safe. Fenced off from the world, she feels alone. Empty.

Coming home from school every day is an on going nightmare. Slowly walking into the house of hell, she can already smell blood. And her sky blue eyes fill with tears. Suddenly, the “witch” turns the corner shouting everything she is doing wrong. No confidence. She tries to break free of her mother’s arms, but she can’t.

Her father ignores what goes on in the house; it is like he is deaf. Why can’t he help his daughter? Who can she go to? She has no one. And the abusive mother just does not quit. So innocent. So young. So confused. What will the little girl do?


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