We're Blood | Teen Ink

We're Blood

September 10, 2010
By iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
iluvnacho PLATINUM, Somewhere, Colorado
28 articles 1 photo 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Find the beauty in the ugly\"-Jason Mraz 5-19-10
\"Be kinder than nessicary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.\" Unknown 11-29-10

(Point of view of a ten year old girl)
I ran. My legs moved in perfect motion as I sped through the forest I knew and loved.Twigs snapped and branches broke. I didn't care. This was it. My smiled widened and I laughed out loud for no reason as I jumped over the small bubbling creek. I slowed to a jog as the tree house came into view.
Quickly, I climbed the un-even wooden boards leading up to the house. I knocked on the door that was actually on the floor once you got inside.
"Pst, Zach, it's me." I whispered, panting.
"Secret password." Zach laughed through the wooden beams. I grinned.
"Potatoes." I answered."Now let me in." The door opened. I jumped in, the smell of autumn leaves filling my nose. I looked around to see Zach standing up with a book in the corner. His face was covered with dirt and his white shirt was marked with sweat. I rolled my eyes. Him and football."Well, are we going to do this?" I eargerly questioned. Zach impishly smiled, his hazel eyes sparking.
'Of coarse. Only the best do this." He cleared his throat."First, put your hand up like this." He rose his right hand, palm facing me. I followed."Now repeat after me." I nodded, heart pounding through my veins.
"I promise," Zach started.
"I promise." I repeated.
"To never fall in love with my best friend,"
"To never fall in love with my best friend," I replied, though I though it was a silly promise.
"And to treat one another as if she is your sibling." Zach finished, closing the book. He whipped out a pocket knife from the front pocket of his jeans.
"And to treat one another as if he is your sibling." I faintly concluded, gulping. This was it. Carefully, Zach placed the blade on his dirty covered palm. And ever so gently, he carved a straight line smack dab in the middle of it. Zach's face scrunched up, his cut oozing scarlet.
"Now you do it," Zach quickly said."It hurts, so hurry." Zach handed me the knife with a sharp movement. Tenderly, I did the same to my right palm. Zach smacked his palm against my own and we squeezed our hands together, putting pressure on the bleeding. Throught the stingy pain, we both managed to grin.
"You're promise is now official. From this day on we're" Zach leaned in to whisper in my ear."Blood." And with that, we both giggled.

The author's comments:
Yeah.... i like this.


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