The Things She Carries | Teen Ink

The Things She Carries

November 5, 2010
By Anonymous

The things she carries aren't always easy they arent always fun, but within the things she does carry she doesnt carry regret. She tends to carry the weight of the world when nothing seems to be going right. She carries hope and passion to be something great and make a difference in the world. She carries loyalty to everyone she is close to. She carries wishful thinking to be worth something. She has carried disappointment for herself when she made a bad mistake and was no longer "pure." she carries dedication to achieve in everything she puts her mind to. She carries independence because she feels if she asks for help she has failed herself. She carries a strong personality because she understands that it is life and it will walk all over you if you let it. She carries the free spirit of a teenage girl but she knows her boundaries. She carries morals and standards and a good heart. shes carried the feeling of stupidity due to her own actions or someone elses around her. She Carries excitement to Graduate so she can start her life. The things she carries arent always easy they arent always fun, but within the things she does carry she doesnt carry regret. Instead she carries life lessons


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