I waited | Teen Ink

I waited

December 2, 2010
By Kagenui BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Kagenui BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I waited for the night to die, the clock to chime, the bridegroom on the wind to fly and siphon all the sands of time. I waited with my shutters drawn, my head bent low; I waited for the broken dawn to cast its eerie glow upon the melancholy brilliance of the night’s new-fallen snow.

I watched and wept and waited until my heart and breath abated and when the frigid air had permeated, desecrated my meek shelter, then I stood and mauled and contemplated, sat and thought and concentrated until I faltered and I faded and I fell.

I waited for the die to cast, my life to end, an omen from my checkered past to thus appear and hopefully my life amend. I waited for the mold to break, the lock to click; I waited there for death to take me from this world, to hold me, hate me; suffocate me when the clock had struck its final tic.

My numbing soul, sedated, only hummed and hurt and hated as I waited with my bloodlust satiated on the replicated trial that I so fervently awaited, so I wallowed and I wailed and I weltered and I waited, until I staggered and I stumbled and I fell.

Drunk was I with empty passion, ashen faced and eyes elated, in a most peculiar fashion did I lie as I awaited then my fate

Thus I rose with eyes unblinking, frantically, I fear and thinking; stentorian thoughts they were, body broke and mind berated, madness provoked on panic sated and with heart in hand had dominated mind and all and so I wondered and I waited, and I wandered, devastated until I wobbled and I wavered and I fell.

I waited for the sun to rise, the moon to fall, the malevolent ghosts whom all despise to billow forth and bellow then their potent call; I waited for my heart to sink, the storm to cease, the tempest in my mind to bring me to the brink of death such that I could then surcease the perils in my heart; I waited for the earth to shake, my fate to sever, my reticent spirit then to wake and take me from this mortal realm forever.

Euphoria from my eyes had radiated as the jaded passions of my heart had thus cremated any logic, any reason that my mind initiated and created yet another paradox placated only by that fact that I subconsciously debated every aspect of the truth; and so I waited. I waited and I mumbled and I grumbled and I waited and I trembled and I tumbled and I fell.

I waited for the unstoppable force, the unbridled rage, the coarse course that beckons chaos and enlightenment to free me from my sentient cage. I waited for the blade of blasphemy to sheath, the pain to leave, the whims and wishes I bequeath to those alive to summon death to bereave me of my sorrow such that I would never have to look upon the days that they must call tomorrow.

Pain and fear had fornicated thus I was then conceived and though the morals that I decimated through my life were not enough such that the world should be bereaved of me; now I walk the fated path of he whose names I have since stated, death, the reaper, and all related come to me anticipated and know that you shall have your prize.

Yet even through my bloodshot eyes, I saw the truth, so I stood and mauled and contemplated, sat and thought and concentrated, body broken and berated, and I stumbled and I staggered and I cried. I waited and I mumbled and I grumbled and I waited and I trembled and I tumbled and I sighed. I wallowed and I wailed and I weltered and I waited and I wandered and I wondered and I wanted and I waited and I wobbled and I wavered; and I died.


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