The Little Christmas tree | Teen Ink

The Little Christmas tree

February 23, 2011
By Anonymous

Ever since I was just a little seed, I liked hearing the amazing stories of the older trees. Sometimes, they talked about scary things and mysteries about “people”. Other times, they talked about happy things that people did for Christmas trees. Many trees had come and gone each year, and I had grown big since listening to those stories. I was about to see what all the trees before me went through in an adventure with people. I was a little scared since I had never seen a person before.
It was the beginning of December when the people came to me, and they took many trees including myself. The people loaded me onto a truck and sent many others along with me. After a while, we were unloaded and brought to a pretty stand with more bright lights than I had ever seen before. We were placed in buckets of water so we would not get thirsty, and I was very confused.
Days passed, and still nothing changed. Trees were taken away, probably to be happy with people, but I was still all alone. I was beginning to feel lonely and suddenly I felt a tug on my branch. I was surprised to see a little girl speaking to her mother, and it seemed she was excited. I wished I understood the people, but I at least knew she wanted something with me. The next thing that happened scared me the most. I was loaded onto another truck and sent away on another trip.
In the time that I was being moved, I began to wonder if the stories from the old trees were true, and if they were, what was happening now? I was unloaded when the truck reached a house, and I was brought inside where the air was warm, and everything was cozy. As I smelled this warm minty air, deep down I knew the people would love me, and I was happy. I even thought the humans would decorate me and make me pretty, but I didn’t know how long it would take.
My greatest surprise of all came the next morning. The little girl came in holding a bright red decoration and hung it on my lowest branch. This happened many times, until I was a fully decorated Christmas tree. I was proud to be with my new family, and I loved them.
The End

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